The Bizarre, Unsolved Disappearance of Logan Schiendelman | Missing #35

After Logan disappears, his car is found drifting by itself before crashing to a stop.

Nicole Henley
Of Misdeeds and Mysteries


One day, a teen tells his grandmother that he had an “epiphany” about himself, and his grandmother responded that they would talk about it later on. Whatever he meant by that was never elaborated on because the following day, he mysteriously vanished.

Logan Drew Schiendelman, last seen on May 19, 2016, in Tumwater, Washington. He has not been heard from since.

Raised by his maternal grandmother, Logan played football at Tumwater High School. After graduation, he completed his freshman year at Washington State University, 300 miles from home, before dropping out and moving back to live with his grandmother and half-sister. While there, Logan worked multiple jobs, one of which was at his great-aunt’s five-acre farm.

His family has described him as a quiet, sensitive young man who became noticeably withdrawn after leaving college. As far as having friends, he had cut ties with the ones he had from high school and did not make any new ones during his time at Washington State University. Growing up, he had no contact from his father’s side of the family until shortly before he vanished, where he was the one who reached out and had an emotional meeting with several relatives from that side of the family. Reportedly, he had told them how furious his maternal grandmother would be…



Nicole Henley
Of Misdeeds and Mysteries

Writer of true crime, unsolved mysteries, and marvels of history. Lover of movies, books, cats, and anime.