Grace Ali Keeps Her Photos Safe

OF NOTE Magazine
OF NOTE Magazine
Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2017

By The Digital Diaspora Family Reunion

“This is my only connection to that place,” confides journalist Grace Aneiza Ali, founder of the Of Note magazine, as she holds images from her family photo album which was first created in her homeland of Guyana. “I’ve become the one who took the role of keeping them safe”

During her conversation with filmmaker Thomas Allen Harris at the Digital Diaspora Family Reunion (DDFR) Roadshow held recently at Harlem Stage, Ms. Ali shares, “The life for an immigrant woman is not an easy one.” Cradling an image of her mother as a young woman, Ms. Ali continues, “I’m really fascinated by her, a hard working woman, committed to her family. She’s the one that has kept us together”. Ms. Ali takes particular pride in the image of her mother at the age of eight, standing next to her grandmother. “I look at it and I see that my mother and I grow parallel to each other”.

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OF NOTE Magazine
OF NOTE Magazine

Award-winning online magazine featuring global artists using the arts as tools for social change.