One Girl’s Fight to Learn: An Interview with Writer Maaza Mengiste

OF NOTE Magazine
OF NOTE Magazine
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2017

By Mikael Awake

Maaza Mengiste in Ethiopia with Azmera whose story is featured in the film, Girl Rising.

Maaza Mengiste and I met six years ago. We were both in the audience of a literary reading called “The World Through the Eyes of Writers.” In hindsight, the title of the reading seems fitting because that’s the first thing I noticed about Maaza, her eyes: as big and bright as the eyes of saints in Coptic art. They gave her away as Ethiopian, as I’m sure mine did. I wasn’t used to seeing other Ethiopians at literary readings. We became friends.

Maaza stands nowadays on the grand stage of African diaspora literature. Her moving debut novel, Beneath the Lion’s Gaze, tells the story of everyday Ethiopians surviving the overthrow of the empire and the ensuing dark years of violence under Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam’s dictatorship. The book was a runner-up for the 2011 Dayton Literary Peace Prize, as well as a finalist for a Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, and an NAACP Image Award.

More recently, Maaza has leant her vision to a new project advancing the cause of girls’ education. Along with eight other global writers, Edwidge Danticat (Haiti) and Aminatta Forna (Sierra Leone) among them, she contributed a segment for Academy-Award-nominated director Richard Robbins’s documentary Girl Rising. The film is part of a larger “global action campaign” called 10×10, which seeks “to deliver a simple, critical truth: Educate Girls and you will Change the World.” For the film, Maaza traveled to Ethiopia to tell the story of Azmera, a teenage girl who refused an arranged marriage to an older man. Meryl Streep narrates the segment. I wanted to learn more about the project and Maaza’s work on it, and since it had been a while since we last spoke, it was also a good excuse to catch up.

Q: How did you get involved with Girl Rising?

A: I was contacted by the director, Richard, through a mutual friend while I was living in Rome. The documentary sounded like an intriguing project, but I was worried about taking part in some kind of “tragedy of Ethiopia/Africa” story. I listened carefully to what the producers said when we talked on the phone, and they let me have some time to consider what issue I thought was the most significant obstacle in girls getting their education in Ethiopia. I thought of many issues, then I looked at statistics and Ethiopia has one of the highest rates of forced early marriage and I felt this was something significant to do.

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OF NOTE Magazine
OF NOTE Magazine

Award-winning online magazine featuring global artists using the arts as tools for social change.