Fun With Cameras IV

A simple kind of inspiration

Florian Schoppmeier
Of Pictures & Words
4 min readJul 14, 2021


A sticker that reads “Bad ideas make the best memories!” has been fixed next to a high voltage sign on the railing of a railroad bridge near the industrial park Kaisergarten. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021.

Inspiration fuels photography as surely as electricity awakens a camera battery. And just as electricity can come from a variety of sources these days, so can one’s inspiration be triggered by a multitude of stimuli. In today’s post, I share a few pictures and thoughts from one source I find motivating: simplicity.

I went on three photo walks recently. They all happened close to home. I needed nothing more than my two feet. Simple.

The first two walks were accompanied by rain — lots of rain. I explored the Hörbachtal in the city of Mülheim — a lovely little nature retreat. The rain transformed it into a place of great visual interest. Though, operating a camera and an umbrella at the same time includes its challenges.

The second and third walk brought me to an industrial park near Oberhausen’s old water tower. One wouldn’t necessarily associate an urban area that houses a colorful mix of businesses, from IT businesses and wholesalers to car repair shops, electrical supply stores, and plant manufacturing companies, with photogenic qualities.

But they lead me off the beaten path and to some interesting panoramas.

Exploring one’s surroundings. No expectations. Simple.

The more I walked, the more I looked, saw, and thought, the more I felt intrigued by the places, the more I wanted to find pictures that show the Ruhr valley how I see it (sometimes, at least).

I picked equipment that matched this theme: one camera (an ancient one by today’s standards, being manufactured somewhere between 2008 and 2012) and two old, manual lenses (manufactured somewhere between 1977 and 1985) — hence the umbrella challenge mentioned earlier. A simple setup.

Below is a gallery of 26 pictures with some additional thoughts in the captions. Click a picture for a larger view. Enjoy. And later this week, I’ll share a fresh round of reading recommendations. The third episode of my running video series “Of Miles & Minutes” should hopefully be ready early next week at last.

Left On my way to the Horbachtal, I passed this city farm field and found the colors, the heavy clouds, and the house in the background interesting enough to stop and make a few first frames. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021. Right The red flower caught my attention here. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021.
Left, right, and below Crossing the autobahn A 40 on the way to the Horbachtal. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021.
A woman walks on a woodland path through the Horbachtal. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021.
Left Heavy rain falls at the wildlife reserve area at the Horbachtal. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021. Right A horse stands in the background of the fields at the Horbachtal. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021.
Left The colors and play of light and shadow drew me to this scene, which shows a tree shielding the river Horbach — a small stream that originates nearby and joins the river Ruhr a couple of kilometers later. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021. Right A leaf in the rain. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021.
Left A small pond next to the Horbach. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021. Right A muddy path through the Horbachtal. Mülheim, Germany, June 30, 2021.
The railroad tracks leading to the city’s central train station. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021.
Left A sticker that protests measures to curb the COVID-19 pandemic has been fixed on the railing of a railroad bridge near the industrial park Kaisergarten. It gives the url of the protest group and reads “Where’s your pain threshold?” Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Right A sticker that reads “Bad ideas make the best memories!” has been fixed next to a high voltage sign on the railing of a railroad bridge near the industrial park Kaisergarten. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021.
Left Just passed the railroad tracks, a narrow path opened up that runs parallel to the tracks and goes around the industrial park. I’d never walked it before and found a few interesting views, including this one of a building at the edge of the industrial park. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Center A close-up of some vegetation along the path. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Right A close-up of some vegetation along the path. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021.
Left Here, the path (visually) leads to the St. Marien (St. Mary’s) church. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Center In the opposite direction of the church, one can catch a glimpse of industrial buildings and the tower of the recycling center. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Right Farther down the path, the recycling center becomes more visible. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021.
Left Closer to the end of the footpath, the old water tower comes into view. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Right And a few steps farther still, the panorama includes the water tower as well as the Gasometer. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021.
Left I found these two chimneys and played a bit with placing the water tower in a pleasing relation to them. Oberhausen, Germany, July 1, 2021. Center and right A couple of days later, harsh sunlight has replaced the rain. Here are still two pictures from the small public green space on the one corner of the industrial park I couldn’t get to the first time around. Oberhausen, Germany, July 3, 2021.

