Fun With Cameras XX

the 105 prime lens

Florian Schoppmeier
Of Pictures & Words
4 min readJul 26, 2022


As the sun rises, the moon sets behind a tree on a footpath near the castle ruins Isenburg. Essen, Germany, July 23, 2022.
As the sun rises, the moon sets behind a tree on a footpath near the castle ruins Isenburg. Essen, Germany, July 23, 2022.

Ease and simplicity are two words in the photographic world that can commandeer your photography experience but are often overlooked. Thinking about these two words can overcome your problems if you’re not feeling it in your photography.

My photographic mindset had suffered such a setback this summer, which caused me to work on reigniting my passion (24 images without moving in Fun With Cameras XVplacing an object in all corners of the viewfinder in Fun With Cameras XVIexperimenting with multiple exposures in Fun With Cameras XVIIdiving into the theory of photography in Fun With Cameras XVIII). In the process, I again found the ease behind the camera I enjoy the most while spending a quality hour in one of my favorite locations for relaxed photography.

When I say ease behind the camera, I mean there’s no fuss. Not about the equipment. Not about the approach. I want to be out there, observe, look, see, react, and make pictures. I welcome experiments and mistakes. Back home, I reflect on the experience and the pictures. It’s about learning and then having another go.

Photography played only a marginal role in the outing of today’s post and the upcoming add-on.

There is a lake in the city of Essen. I went there for a run about two years ago. A few days ago, I decided on two bike rides (about 13 miles for one leg of the journey) to explore the area surrounding the lake Baldeneysee.

For the first trip, I selected two points of interest, the castle ruins Isenburg and a nearby footpath that should present decent vistas of the lake below.

Those circumstances were ideal partners for some work on simplicity.

I decided on a simple and not too heavy set-up: one camera and a 105mm lens. That’s quite a restrictive approach.

While it guaranteed I would miss pictures, I wanted that simplicity and the challenge of making do with that one focal length, for it forces one to think and be more engaged with one’s surroundings.

That’s how I can work on my visual intuition, even if I’m not out to make any special pictures.

The length of the bike ride and having to deal with a bicycle on location impacted the photography time, but that was quite all right.

I explored the hilly footpath, stopped whenever I reacted to a view, and then played with the scene(s) around me for a few minutes.

Eventually, I found the castle ruins. It would be worthwhile to go back by car and explore the area more controlled. I gave myself a few minutes at the ruins, but then my time was up.

Quite all right for this outing, especially because the conditions had created some lovely scenes.

Please find a selection of results below. I’ve added captions for each image, and if you want to view a photograph full-screen, click on it.

I hope you’ll find something of interest in today’s Fun With Cameras. I’ve had to reshuffle my plans for this blog a bit; again. But later this week, there’s going to be a set of reading recommendations. And next week, I’ll have the results and thoughts from the second trip to the Baldeneysee area, same camera, different lens, and different views. Until then, enjoy the pictures below.

Left View of the lake Baldeneysee from a footpath near the castle ruins Isenburg. Essen, Germany, July 23, 2022 (location and date are the same for all pictures). Center A footpath near the castle ruins Isenburg offers views down on the lake Baldeneysee and a healthy amount of greenery to enjoy. Right As the sun rises, the moon sets behind a tree on a footpath near the castle ruins Isenburg.
View of the lake Baldeneysee from a footpath near the castle ruins Isenburg (left) and from the ruins themselves (center). Right Parts of the castle ruins Isenburg.
Left View of the lake Baldeneysee from the castle ruins Isenburg. Right A tree at the castle ruins Isenburg.
Left View of the lake Baldeneysee from the castle ruins Isenburg. Right A tree at the castle ruins Isenburg.

