Let The Journey Begin

A Journalist’s Diary

Florian Schoppmeier
Of Pictures & Words
4 min readAug 31, 2022


A scene from my past: without giving too much away, this was one of my earliest newsroom experiences. I’ll get back to that eventually in this new series called A Journalist’s Diary.

I’ve tried to launch this part of the blog for a while. Once or twice, I managed to write something I could share.

But it never clicked with me.

Then, I finally found how I wanted this series to feel, what I wanted to share, and which form that should take.

But the ride became bumpy during the last couple of years. For me, for you, for all of us.

I’ll probably have something to write about that in the posts to come. For now, though, let the journey begin.

A Journalist’s Diary is a chronicle of my journey as a journalist and human being, who’s trying to tell stories I want to see better represented.

That journey includes the highs and lows, the successes and struggles. I’ll write about all things journalism; in two different flavors.

The first one is technical, or topical if you will. I’ll share insights on journalism, photography, and writing that come from the heart. Hopefully, those posts allow me to play my small part in helping you navigate the news market with confidence.

The above takes care of the professional side of journalism. The second flavor of writing I’ll be sharing hits at the more personal, more inspirational part of the profession. I’ll have essays that explore the world of journalism in a carefree, more relaxed, and more personal way.

The Professional Journey

Before I explain the personal essays, let’s take a peek at the more technical side.

On Journalism | that part includes everything from the process of developing stories and a front-row seat to the reporting process to thoughts on journalism ethics, transparency in general, storytelling devices, and companion posts to finished stories.

Transparency is vital to modern journalism, which operates in a world of deliberate disinformation that intensifies the struggle for audiences to identify good journalism (that reminds me to remind you about this helpful thread explaining the difference between mis- and disinformation). The best path to more media literacy is a journalism world that offers an open and honest look at how it does what it does. So parts of A Journalist’s Diary are my small contributions to that effort.

On Photography | I’ll write about the visual side of journalism. Topics can range from the editing process and ethical conundrums to the artistic part of making pictures.

On Writing | separate from the journalism and the visual aspects, I’ll share insights into the writing process. That includes tips, tricks, struggles, inspirations, or whatever I think about in the never-ending pursuit of becoming a better writer.

The Personal Journey

Becoming a better writer — just as on the photography side — requires the freedom to experiment and play.

I recently realized this, again, while leafing through old material.

So I want to make this place a carefree environment — for all posts but especially for those personal essays.

That means I write without trying too hard. No bonus grammar and style checks. No additional editing rounds. It’s going to be just me, an idea, pen and paper (or keyboard and screen).

I realized I needed a place where I can let go of perfectionism. The times I was the happiest as a writer have been when I didn’t take things too seriously.

I found some of that writing recently. I felt happy and sad, even scared about it. There were pages I still find wonderful, and others I wonder how I could have possibly shown anyone.

We live in a world where awfully bad writing overshadows good writing. Most of it exists for economic reasons and because it’s good enough. The bad stuff on here serves an educational purpose.

You’re free to ignore it, criticize it, and turn your back on it and me.

But it helps me manage writing and life. I can work through my struggles with writing and my identity as a writer, photographer, journalist, and person.

Those essays are about me, my journey, the profession of journalism, and the world.

They’re a journey of finding myself in all those roles, a journey within the longer journey of life. It’s a journey that explores purpose, values, direction, and aim.

The Next Few Entries

To that end, the next post starts us off with a trip down memory lane to one of my favorite places of my writing.

The topic for the third post depends on my progress with the old writing material. If I find what I’m looking for quickly, I’ll continue that theme. If I don’t, I’ll bring the first photography post forward and explore the process of photo editing with you. Metadata might sound awfully boring, but it’s an important part of the picture workflow. And I believe some of it can help anyone struggling with maintaining an organized personal photography collection.

The musings about my past writing will continue either way. But the timeline depends on how quickly I can revisit the necessary material.

Eventually, I’ll also dive into some current work I’d like to share as transparently as possible.

That concludes the first entry into A Journalist’s Diary. I hope you join me on this writing adventure. My goal is to follow the advice I read years ago in Natalie Goldberg’s “Writing Down The Bones” — just get on with it already. Of course, that summary tagline is no match for Goldberg’s wording. So, let’s “turn to face it and get on that carousel and go for a ride.”

