Convos with Santa

Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters
4 min readDec 23, 2016

If I were to have imaginary phone conversations with Santa, here’s what they’d be like.

The other day I took part in a Table Topics session at my local Toastmasters club. The topic that I had to speak on was the following:

You get a phone call from Santa Claus. What’s the question you ask him?

I don’t believe in Santa. I think I was about 5 when I figured out the guy in the red suit visiting to deliver the presents look suspiciously like my grandfather. He was busted.

Nonetheless, I tried to imagine my phone conversations with Santa. Here they go.

Conversations with Santa, Episode 1

*Phone rings*

Me: You’ve reached Vanina.

Santa: Hello, is this Vanina.

Me: Yes, this is she.

Santa: It’s Santa Claus calling.

Me: Uh… kay. What can I do for you?

Santa: I was wondering if you had a question for me.

Me (a tad paranoid): Why, what have you heard?!

Santa: Nothing, I just wanted to give you a chance to ask me something.

Me: Look, old man, whatever you think I did, I didn’t do it, ok? Don’t call me again!

*I hang up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 2

*Phone rings*

Me: You again?

Santa: How did you know it was me?

Me: Caller ID. I saved your number last time you called.

Santa: Oh, ok. About that question…

Me: Do you have like, unlimited call minutes or something? That’s an international call, though, I can’t imagine it’s cheap.

Santa: I’m Santa Claus, girl. I don’t bother myself with menial details like phone bills.

Me: So you’re above all that menial human crap, huh. Way to go, old man, real cute.

*I hang up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 3

*Phone rings*

Me: What now?

Santa: You are really not curious about anything Santa-related?

Me: All right then, if this will make you stop calling. I have a job, you know.

Santa: You probably get time off for the holidays, don’t pout.

Me: Don’t be a cliche.

Santa (sings): He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake…

Me: You’re a stalker, I know. The only thing I can’t figure out is how has no one reported you to the authorities yet. Maybe I should do it?

Santa (sounding nervous): Uhm, something came up, uh… a present emergency… I’ll call you later.

*Santa hangs up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 4

*Phone rings*

Me: So what does it feel like leading the world’s largest blackmail network?

Santa: How do you mean?

Me: You know, parents blackmailing children to behave so they land on the “Nice” list and get superficial gifts, children exploiting parents’ lies and extorting them for presents.

Santa: But… but…

Me: Yeah, I thought so…

*I hang up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 5

*Phone rings*

Santa: It’s not blackmail, you know.

Me: It’s textbook blackmail.

Santa: I’m doing it for the kids, so they learn values.

Me: The value of toys made in China? That makes them spoiled little brats, not better people.

Santa (sounding not so confident): The value of family?

Me: Yeah, no. That’s not it.

*I hang up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 6

*Phone rings*

Me: Did you even go to school?

Santa: Why d’you ask?

Me: They teach physics at school, don’t they? You must have skipped that class…

Santa: I’m Santa.

Me: So that gives you an excuse to give the finger to the conventional education system and just say to yourself “Fuck physics, I’ll have a flying sleigh and reindeers with bright noses”, huh? I don’t think so.

Santa: It’s magic.

Me: Explain the technicalities of this magic of yours then.

*Santa hangs up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 7

*Phone rings*

Me: You do know you’re not real, right? You’re a personification of… I don’t even know of what. A soda company made you up.

Santa: Well that’s a bit insulting.

Me: It’s true.

Santa: Even if that were true, I still exist for the good of…

Me (cuts him off): YOU DON’T EXIST!!!

*I hang up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 8

*Phone rings*

Santa: Is there any way I can make you believe in me?

Me: Not really, no.

Santa: C’mon, there must be a way.

Me: Get me a boat and a private jet with my name painted on the side in purple paint on Christmas day.

Santa: Why purple?

Me: Focus, old man. Where are we on the boat and the plane?

Santa: See, that’s not how it works…

Me: My point precisely.

*I hang up*

Conversations with Santa, Episode 9

*Phone rings*

Santa: I give up…

Me: It’s good you don’t work in telemarketing, then. You’d be terrible at it.

Santa: You’re too cynical.

Me: I‘m observant.

Santa: You could use some magic in your life, you know.

Me: I could use a boat and a jet but that’s not happening, is it.

Santa (wearily): Merry Christmas, then.

Me: Merry Christmas.

*Santa and I hang up at the same time*

Photo: Matti Mattila

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Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters

A digital marketer & growth hacker. Fluent in 3 languages, yet often confused by human interactions. Maker of AdEx. Find out more on