Humanity Is Doomed

Or not. I can’t quite decide.

Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters
2 min readAug 30, 2018


I like to stay up to date with current trends. You know, knowing when it’s become appropriate to eat Tide pods or take part in the Ice Bucket Challenge.

I don’t always understand contemporary cultural phenomenons but at least I know about them. Most of them I find to be utterly ridiculous (not the Tide pods one; that one was natural selection at its finest).

This got me thinking… Could it be that those absurd trends are a form of art? Is this how we as a species express ourselves now? What went wrong and took us from impressionists, pop art or surrealism to memes and the Kiki Challenge? Do we really need art when we can have the Kiki Challenge?

I might be slightly overreacting to the latter — but I also haven’t been excited about a contemporary piece of art since Christo’s Floating Piers and that was a couple of years ago.

No, that human hair installation at Tate Modern didn’t excite me. It disturbed me and gave me a lot to talk about in therapy.

I wasn’t thrilled about Amy Sherald’s portrait of Michelle Obama.

I have mixed feelings about the ice cream museum project.

But maybe it’s just me and humanity simply doesn’t need art as we know it any more. Sigh.

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Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters

A digital marketer & growth hacker. Fluent in 3 languages, yet often confused by human interactions. Maker of AdEx. Find out more on