If Daily Work Reports Were Honest

Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters
2 min readApr 2, 2018

There are very few things that I despise more than daily work reports.

I understand that they’re a necessary evil — but an evil nonetheless. People should be free to do whatever they feel like, as long as whatever they’re doing leads to productive results.

Daily reports, on the other hand, drive employees to make up stuff so they look busy and keep up the appearance of being productive 100% of the time. Which is bullshit.

On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind daily reports if they honest. Like the one below.

Honest Daily Report — April 1, 2018


  • Browsed facebook to avoid doing any actual work
  • Browsed twitter for entertainment & funny tweets
  • Read a few articles on blockchain for personal development
  • Stared at the screen, contemplating the meaning of life
  • Searched Spotify for the perfect playlist to match my mood
  • Attempted to answer an email but then I was, “oh screw this, I hate email”
  • Ate a cookie
  • Watched cute puppy videos

To do:

  • More of the same
  • Watch an hour of YouTube
  • Get coffee with a friend under the pretext of an out-of-the-office meeting.

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Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters

A digital marketer & growth hacker. Fluent in 3 languages, yet often confused by human interactions. Maker of AdEx. Find out more on about.me/vaninavanini