A scribble


Off at a Tangent



Sometimes I read or hear things by people I really rate in life. Often, I agree with them. Frequently, I think yes, they’ve got a point but….. Sometimes I shake my head and wonder just where they’re coming from.

I hate it when I realise I’m becoming a bit of a fuddy-duddy. A Victoria Meldrew if you like: “I just don’t believe it” falling out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

It’s an age thing.

It’s when you realise that you can’t keep on trying to tweak the past into something you wish had happened, to keep on apologising for things that were said and/or done. Nor can you force others do that just because it fits in with your view of the world. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and move on.

One of the tritest cliches is “life goes on”. Yes it does…. get over it



Off at a Tangent

I tweet, I blog, I think, I speak. I’m actually quite nice you know.