Photo of Lillian Hochman, Audrey Mojica, and Sofia Salmela by Dan Norman

Cast Announced for ‘Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical’

Children's Theatre Company
Off Book
Published in
9 min readFeb 11, 2019


Children’s Theatre Company has announced the fierce team of actors who will lead the revolt at Children’s Theatre Company April 28 through June 23 in Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical!

Inspired by the twisted genius of Roald Dahl, this is the story of Matilda. Her dreadful parents can’t stand her. Her headmistress is a horrible, nasty, name-calling, life-sucking tyrant who puts kids in cupboards with nails and broken glass. (And you thought you had it bad.) This captivating kid-power romp revels in the anarchy of childhood. Celebrating the tenacity of the small, Matilda proves that the strength to be yourself (along with a little telekinetic power) will prevail at the end of the day.

Meet the cast and learn a little about them below!

Adult Cast

Rowin Breaux
Dad/Big Kid/Judge/Ensemble

Rowin Breaux

CTC: What is your secret power?
Rowin Breaux: “My secret power is that I am very short and incredibly skinny, therefore being built close to the ground gives me great advantages in speed and accuracy. You have no idea how powerful being a small, nearly invisible, stick is.”

China Brickey
Miss Honey/Ensemble

China Brickey

CTC: What is your secret power?
China Brickey: “My hair has secret powers: I can fluff it up like a pillow for a nap (very useful on airplanes), it keeps my ears warm in the winter, if I’d like some alone time it can fall over my face like a curly curtain. I discover new, wonderful things about it daily — it’s full of surprises! It can hold things, like pencils, it catches lots of snowflakes in the winter so I can see them in a mirror before they melt, but most importantly, my hair makes me feel like myself. It’s a quick identifier for anyone trying to find me in a crowd, and its bouncy bigness reflects my personality!”

Emily Gunyou Halaas
Miss Agatha Trunchbull/Ensemble

Emily Gunyou Halaas

CTC: What is your secret power?
Emily Gunyou Halaas: “Breastfeeding.”

*Fun Fact: Did you know that CTC offers nursing mothers a quiet, comfortable space to nurse? Visit our Audience Support Station or a front of house attendant when you come to see a show, and they will direct you to its location.

Dean Holt
Mr. Wormwood

Dean Holt

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Dean Holt: “I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the world and think that my actions are insignificant in the grand scheme, but then I think of the simple lesson of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have done to you, treat others as you wish to be treated. Simple, right? But that very action is in our control; no one can take that away and like a ripple in the pond that grows and grows, I’m certain that these gestures magnify. Growth, change, action all occur when we are respectful, considerate, compromising, and open to the world and viewpoints around us. That simple activity of placing ourselves in the shoes of those we interact with can give us all a better perspective of how to make things better and affect real change.”

Stormy Hovan
Video Circus Performer

Stormy Hovan

CTC: What is your superpower?
Stormy Hovan: “I’d say strength is my superpower.”

Kim Kivens
External Understudy — Mrs. Wormwood/Miss Trunchbull/Mrs. Phelps

Kim Kivens

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Kim Kivens: “A way to change the world is simply by being kind to all. Throw kindness like confetti!”

Jordan Leggett
External Understudy — Escapologist/Rudolpho/Ensemble

Jordan Leggett

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Jordan Leggett: “When I grow up, I want to be a pro wrestler. The way they combine their athleticism with theatrics is so impressive and highly entertaining.”

Dwight Leslie

Dwight Leslie

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Dwight Leslie: “Raising the world’s awareness.”

Autumn Ness
Mrs. Wormwood

Autumn Ness

CTC: What is your secret power?
Autumn Ness: “My secret power is finding things in the house that the rest of my family swears are lost. Also, the ability to not remember eating an entire row of brownies from the pan.”

Reed Sigmund
Sergei/Party Entertainer/Mechanic/Cook/Head Judge/Ensemble

Reed Sigmund

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Reed Sigmund: “Well, I haven’t grown since 9th grade. That’s when I hit 5’7” and then just stopped. So I guess I’m all growed up. But, back then I wanted to be an astronaut or the voice of a cartoon character. I’m betting I still have time to be one of them. Probably the astronaut thing, because I hear science is way easy.”

Alexcia Thompson
Mrs. Phelps/Ensemble

Alexcia Thompson

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Alexcia Thompson: “An active way to change the world is to give time or money to the community services that need help. Donate some time and work at a local food pantry or give money to organizations that you see doing good work for the community.”

Student Cast

Chloe Lou Erickson

Chloe Lou Erickson

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Chloe Lou Erickson: “An actress!”

Ella Freeburg
External Understudy — Lavender/Hortensia/Alice/Amanda/Tommy

Ella Freeburg

CTC: What is your secret power?
Ella Freeburg: “My superpower is kindness. I try to be kind to everyone and make sure that no one ever feels left out. You never know what people are going through in life. Sometimes a little kindness can do big things.”

Lillian Hochman
Matilda Wormwood

Lillian Hochman

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Lillian Hochman: “Don’t be afraid to fight for what’s right to make the world a better place for everyone. It could be a simple thing like telling people to recycle more. Just a small act can make such a big difference. Even super little kids can make super big changes.”

Julia Humphrey

Julia Humphrey

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Julia Humphrey: “I want to be an actress on BROADWAY!”

Delaney Hunter
Acrobat/Big Kid/Ensemble

Delaney Hunter

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Delaney Hunter: “An Actor”

Gunnar Laughlin
Big Kid/Ensemble

Gunnar Laughlin

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Gunnar Laughlin: “When I am asked what I want to be when I grow up, the answer changes probably at least once a day. One day I could be set on being an FBI agent, and the next I could tell you that I want to be a paleontologist. Regardless of the job I have when I grow up, I want to be happy!”

Isaac Leer

Isaac Leer

CTC: What is your secret power?
Isaac Leer: “My secret power is that I can sing the staccatos of the Queen of the Night aria [“Der Holle Rache”] from Mozart’s The Magic Flute!”

Soren Thayne Miller
Tommy/US-Bruce, Nigel, Eric

Soren Thayne Miller

CTC: What is your secret power?
Soren Thayne Miller: “My super power is making friends quickly. With every show, there is an exciting opportunity to be part of a new theatre family and to find ways to make fast and lasting connections. One of the best life lessons in Matilda is learning the power of supportive friendship, especially in the hard times. Together we can accomplish more than we can alone. I think the school mates in Matilda would still be close friends when they grow up, facing life’s challenges together.”

Audrey Mojica
Matilda Wormwood

Audrey Mojica

CTC: What is your secret power?
Audrey Mojica: “I have super selective hearing! When my parents ask me to do something I don’t really want to do, I have the power to turn off my ears, but when they are talking about me, I have the power to turn them right back on!”

Brianna-Marie Mraz

Brianna-Marie Mraz

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Brianna-Marie Mraz: “I would like to be a famous singer.”

Hugo Mullaney

Hugo Mullaney

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Hugo Mullaney: “To promote equality for all.”

Greta Nackerud
External Understudy — Big Kid/Ensemble

Greta Nackerud

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Greta Nackerud: “Contributing to changing the world is a lot easier than one might think! One way is by recycling or cleaning up garbage that you see laying on the street. You could plant a garden or donate to a charity that you really love! It’s even as simple as turning off the lights when you leave a room! But the most important way that someone can change the world is by being kind to everyone, no matter the circumstance. With all these little things and more, we’re well on our way to changing the world one step at a time!”

Sofia Salmela
Matilda Wormwood

Sofia Salmela

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Sofia Salmela: “Stop eating red meat.”

Zachary Schnitzer
Michael Wormwood/Big Kid/Ensemble

Zachary Schnitzer

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Zachary Schnitzer: “When I grow up, I want to be an actor. I want to make people laugh and cry and love and understand and feel new things through art. While at the same time being the coolest dad in the world. That would be amazing.”

Kate Spence
Big Kid/Ensemble

Kate Spence

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Kate Spence: “An active way to change the world is to help someone, anyone, who might need it. Volunteering is an especially great way to make a change! Some of my favorite volunteer experiences I’ve had were packing food at Feed My Starving Children, being a camp counselor every summer at Korean Culture Camp, and helping out at my church.”

Alejandro Vega

Alejandro Vega

CTC: What is an active way to change the world?
Alejandro Vega: “Discover your own biases so that you can be open to difference — people, situations, etc. You should also speak up when change is needed. Vote.”

Nicola Wahl

Nicola Wahl

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Nicola Wahl: “I want to be an actor!”

Thaddeus Williamson
External Understudy — Big Kid/Ensemble

Thaddeus Williamson

CTC: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Thaddeus Williamson: “When I grow up, my goal is to perform in at least one Broadway production. I am currently training as a triple threat to hopefully achieve that dream. After enjoying a season of performing, I would like to teach kids musical theatre and maybe work in the area of graphic design.”

Come see all these fabulous actors on stage in Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical!!!



Children's Theatre Company
Off Book

“The #1 children’s theatre in the nation.” — Time magazine