Lighting the Spark

By CTC Company Member, Rajané Katurah

Off Book
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2021


I was born and raised in the church and my grandfather, the late Bishop Kenneth H. Moales Sr., would always have me sing the “sermonic solo” before he preached. I used to cry at first because of stage fright, but I never wanted to stop — but rather face my fears. I sang with my eyes closed and let the emotion pour out through my voice until I was able to express it with my whole being. Then, I was introduced to theatre as a way to try something new. The moment I hit that stage for the first time, something inside of me unlocked and I have not looked back since.

My heroes are definitely my parents and my guardian angel grandparents. They have been my rock and support system since I came into this world. They continually push me to follow my dreams and are always there to catch me if I fall. I feel so blessed to be loved, nurtured, and connected to them — they are the greatest! I also have five little heroes…who are actually my siblings. They inspire me to be better than I was yesterday and they are so much cooler than I was at their age.

One of my favorite works by a black artist is In the Red and Brown Water by Tarell Alvin McCraney! I love to watch Oya’s journey unfold. It is filled with hope, loss, love, and numerous unanswered questions…much like many aspects of life right now. However, a moment that has recently given me hope was seeing the first Black woman elected and sworn into office. Sometimes I still pinch myself to make sure that it’s real!

Black people invented a plethora of things used on a day-to-day basis. Many morning routines wouldn’t be impossible without the brilliance, and beauty of Black people. On the contrary, we are not always treated with respect. Black people are still fighting for equality, much like other minorities, so no one should ever feel as if the work is complete. We will never see the day of completion. We can only hope that the seeds we plant today will allow our children’s-children’s-children, to reap a beautiful harvest.

I am motivated by my family and my ancestors who came before me. I know that the places I currently take up space in, are all because my ancestors sacrifices. They sacrificed their light, their love and their life. That alone makes me feel so grateful, indebted and inspired. I will never understand the depths of their pain, but I will spend my life thanking them through my art, as if I do.



Off Book

“The #1 children’s theatre in the nation.” — Time magazine