‘Spamtown, USA’ production photo | Glen Stubbe Photography

Six things to talk about with your kids before coming to ‘Spamtown, USA’

Children's Theatre Company
Off Book
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2020


Prepare for the play by discussing the following concepts, events, and vocabulary with your kids before the show to help them better understand the story!

‘Spamtown, USA’ production photos | Glen Stubbe Photography

What is a union?

A union is a group of workers that join together in order to protect their rights including: working conditions, pay, hours, and benefits. Unions were created during the Industrial Revolution when the typical working conditions were not safe and worker’s could not advocate for better conditions without losing their job.

‘Spamtown, USA’ production photo | Glen Stubbe Photography

What is a strike?

A strike occurs when a labor union decides to revolt against its employer. During strikes, unions are protesting against unfair and unreasonable working rights. During a strike it is common for unions to protest and picket with signs. Interesting fact: In France the right to strike is recognized and guaranteed by the French Constitution.

‘Spamtown, USA’ production photo | Glen Stubbe Photography

What does P-9 mean?

P-9 refers to members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). P stands for Packinghouse. Local P-9 represented 1,500 men and women who worked at the Hormel plant in Austin, Minnesota.

What is worker’s comp?

Worker’s comp is a program that reimburses an employee for damages for injuries that occurred during while the employee was working.

What is the meaning of the derogatory term ‘scab’?

In the play, the character Amy Bolton describes, “‘Scab’ is a bad word for people who cross over a picket line to go to work.” She goes on to say, if all of [the boss’s] employees decide not to work, and then one them goes to work anyway, a bad word for that person is ‘scab.’ And it hurts those people’s feelings if you say it.”

‘Spamtown, USA’ production photos | Glen Stubbe Photography

What happened to the Challenger?

In the play, Scott wants to grow up to be an astronaut. During the play, the audience hears audio of the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. To prepare your family, you may want to talk to them about what happened, where you were and what you remember when the Challenger exploded, and if you feel your child could benefit, show them footage below of the event.

Spamtown, USA is a moving portrait of Austin, Minnesota during the 1985 Hormel strike. While five kids dream of space camp, tennis teams, and fashion school, they find their families and community suddenly divided by picket lines and opposing agendas. This is the story of having the strength to stand up for what you believe in, the hope that is found in surprising alliances, and the humor that helps keep friendships alive.

For tickets visit our website!
Written by Philip Dawkins
Directed by Will Davis

Run time: 2 hours with one 20-minute intermission
Best enjoyed by everyone 9 and up
Cargill Stage

Due to the age recommendation, lap passes will not be available for this production.

Things to Know About the Show

· The playwright traveled to Austin, Minn. and interviewed 25 people who were children and five adults living in Austin, Minnesota about their real-life experience living through the Hormel strike of 1985 and the aftermath. Stories from these interviews directly influenced scenes and dialogue in the show.

· The characters are composites drawn from the interviews — all names of those who speak in the play are invented — but the stories, challenges, and spirit of the characters is drawn from the extraordinary people who spoke to us about their lives and this moment in their history.

· This play takes place in the 1980s — references to pop culture, slang, and views of that decade are represented throughout this play.



Children's Theatre Company
Off Book

“The #1 children’s theatre in the nation.” — Time magazine