On the Road Off The Grind/Randy Ortiz

Let Them Run

Randy Ortiz
Off The Grind
2 min readApr 18, 2013


Gotta rush, soo busy… but with what?

“Running everywhere at such a speed… till they find there’s no need.”

Our times spent in society now are ruled by money,notifications, fear, lights and malicious fiends. So how do we move forward positively when everywhere we turn there is a wall put up? Easy… let them run.

What do I mean? Let those concerned with the new new and next evil or time wasting plot keep moving along. Oh we should try to stop them? You see… life has a funny way of catching up to us, eventually they’ll stop because there is just so much anyone can do with trying to re-route energy wasted. Now I’m not saying ignore or don’t care but care and show that you do ‘cause after that it’s up to them to realize it; however never force your way onto them and respect their current ideals.

You don’t win anyone over telling them to be more like you.

Some folk are always concerned about the “grind”, “hustle” or whatever else the kids call it nowadays, I’ve seen enough in this world to realize where the importance should be and acclimated myself to a brighter more positive and less cluttered life. Money is necessary but never shall it rule my mind like it used to, even when I didn’t need it I gave it a spotlight. People are so busy trying to climb a ladder that they lose focus of life and never get to experience it, they say it’s lonely at the top for a reason. Do what you have to do in order to sustain and live but realize when it’s time to stop and think. So the next time the hustle posse comes around just sit, smile and wave hello, remember that we still need artists, poets, dreamers and thinkers.

What say you thinker?

