So many… things n’ stuff

Randy Ortiz
Off The Grind
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2014


In an average day I can think about tons of ideas for my site, creating video games, music, what to photograph, where to go and my constant inner traveling for a better self while being a daddy and a husband.

Needless to say it’s a lot.

How do you balance all these ideas in your head? Well, I haven’t quite figured it out yet but am currently narrowing everything down. I’ve already managed to minimize what material “things” I need and want to keep, now it’s time to do this with my work. It will eventually come to the point where I’ll be fusing things together and create a better harmony amongst my projects.

What ideas are currently in the ol brain? Music, photography, game development ideas and self.

The rest can wait.

