Volterra, italy/Mike Elgan

Wanderlust Under Fluorescents

Uno più Espresso, per favore.

Randy Ortiz
Off The Grind
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2013


Enslaved under fluorescent lights most of the day doesn’t aid the incredible urge to hit the skies with the family and be strolling thru the narrow alleys in Italy or the warmth of the sun in the Bahamas… I hear ya. Some people have taken the bold steps to have their work base be wherever they sit, something that beats working from home any day so cheers to you guys. There are dreamers and there are doer’s that just so happen to dream, if possible try to strike a nice balance.

The screen becomes the gateway and brain food for the interested, no different is the effect of photography from a place you care to visit one day. Nowadays we have the ability to “travel” to any part of the world by way of images, words and experiences made online, at the same time that I consider us incredibly lucky to live in these times I also feel we miss out on just viewing.

Eventually the travels my family want to make will get done and you shouldn’t think it’s any different for you regardless of the situation. Use the screen as part of the blueprint and in the future remember to reflect and laugh on the times when you never thought you’d find yourself walking by a food market in Turkey.

Just a wandering thought from an open space.

