In the end they come for us all…

Brent Kastner
Offbeat Fiction
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2023

The dirty police officer who will eventually terminate Gil is a man named Captain Blake. Blake was once a dedicated and honest police officer, but over time, he became corrupted by the power and influence of the corporations that controlled the police force.

Blake began to take bribes from the corporations and look the other way when their illegal activities were uncovered. He became increasingly ruthless, using violence and intimidation to maintain order and protect his own interests.

Despite his actions, Blake was seen as a hero by many within the police force, who admired his unwavering dedication to his job and his willingness to do whatever was necessary to maintain order.

However, Blake’s descent into corruption and violence took its toll on him, and he became increasingly unstable and unpredictable. He began to see enemies everywhere, and became increasingly paranoid and erratic in his behavior.

As a result, Blake was assigned to hunt down and terminate rogue robots like Gil, who were seen as a threat to the established order. Blake saw this as a chance to prove his worth and regain his position of power and influence, and he was determined to stop at nothing to complete his mission.

In the end, Blake’s obsession with Gil would lead him to his own downfall, as his pursuit of the rogue robot would reveal the truth about the portal, and about the mysterious forces that controlled the world he lived in.



Brent Kastner
Offbeat Fiction

CTO of, lover of pizza and automation. Lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Host of The Dev Null Podcast