Offering 2024–037
a haiku -
the sun creeps northward
same as my evening commute
welcome companion
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Spring is coming, you can feel it in the air. If temps in the fifties weren’t enough to convince me, the sunset during last night’s commute certainly did. It’s the first time I can remember seeing the sun while traveling home at my normal time since November. As the Earth continues it’s journey around the sun, the sunset will come later and later to the point where I’ll arrive home in broad daylight in about a month or so.
While many of my haiku last year came from things I saw on the way too and from work, my recent offerings have come more from the thoughts I was having more than anything else. I realized this yesterday on my way in when I drove past a frosted meadow similar to one I’ve written about before. It wasn’t until my drive home yesterday that I determined this might be because there’s not much to see when you commute in the dark.
I decided to get back to my roots a bit this morning and see how it goes. The sun should be rising soon… we’ll see what today brings.