Product Updates — New Features

Akos Szalai


We’re excited to announce our latest product updates. We’ve been working hard to improve our platform for you. Check the newest features

Goal support
You’re now able to create goals to track events more granularly. Goals are used for tracking users additional actions. For example: CPA offer, main conversion: registration, additional conversions (Goals/Targets): email verification, uploading a photo, purchase.

Postback goal support
You can set up separate postback for each goal event.

Multiple payouts for offers

You can set different payouts for countries, goals, currencies and pricing types.
Or you can combine them any way you see fit.

Offer filters just got smarter
You can filter your existing offers with advanced filtering options. Offer management was never easier.

Manage your traffic restrictions

You have the freedom to set up offer restrictions for your own. List your basic traffic sources and allow/disallow them per each offer.

Demand Sources

We’re beta testing our newest feature which allows you to collect offers from affiliate networks and create your offers or smartlinks using them. Ask your account manager to get access to the beta!

Under the roof — Backend updates
Our tracking backend just got faster and more scaleable. You won’t see any of this, but that’s how it works

Bunch of tiny fixes on the UI
You might not realised, but we fixed some existing issues on the frontend as well.

