How to be #Neighborly in your community

Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018

“ ….every day you meet great people- we just need to be open to listening and learning, there is a reason why people come into your life.”
Robert Newman | Downtown Los Angeles

We don’t all live next door to each other, but we think that every OfferUp experience can be better if we act like we do. Here at OfferUp, being neighborly is a core company value: be respectful, collaborative, open and honest. Be in the constant pursuit to help and elevate those around you. And we like to apply that same philosophy to our marketplace.

Here are some tips on how you can embrace being neighborly in your community:

  1. Welcome to the neighborhood: nothing makes a family feel better about moving to a new neighborhood than meeting the rest of the community. Take the time to get to know your new neighbors. It sounds old-school, but taking some fresh flowers or home-baked cookies to your new neighbor can really set the tone.
  2. Be inviting, but set boundaries: nobody likes a neighbor that’s on your doorstep every day, but having them over for dinner every now and then sparks conversation and creates connection. You don’t have to be best friends to find time to appreciate the things (and the neighborhood) you have in common.
  3. Go the extra step: rake your neighbor’s leaves when you’re raking your own. Karma is a beautiful thing.
  4. Must love dogs: keep your furry friends on a leash and be sure to pick up after them. If you’re not seeing your neighbors adopt the same good habits right away, use it as an opportunity to have a friendly conversation, and suggest ways you can all take little steps to help improve the neighborhood.
  5. Start a ‘Little Free Library’ in your neighborhood! These free book exchanges often look like oversized bird houses, and they can make a decorative addition to your yard. Encourage people to ‘take a book, leave a book’ and help bring your community together through the power of reading. Take the fun even further by starting a neighborhood book club.
  6. Enjoy the act of giving: keep your neighbors in mind during the holiday season and stop by with a holiday card or homemade gift. It’s the thought that counts!
  7. Host a NeighborUp dinner: bring your neighbors and friends together to share a meal. With a little help from our NeighborUp Hosting Guide, you’ll find everything you need to throw the ultimate dinner party.

Taking the time to establish a relationship with your neighbors can create a friendlier, safer community. We’d love to hear “good neighbor” stories from your community. Tag #neighborupnow on Instagram or follow the link and tell us how you NeighborUp here.

