
claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2018

有個專案進行了好久,終於大功告成了。Zack在工作報告鬆了一口氣:”I’ll end this project by Friday.”意思是「我這禮拜五之前會完成這件事」。

中文想起來好想沒什麼問題,但在場的外籍同事都不禁納悶:”Are We gonna stop doing this?”(不做這個專案了嗎?)原來問題出在這句話用finish會比end來的恰當。

(X)I’ll end this project by Friday.
(O)I’ll finish this project by Friday.




(O)She finished her homework in just thirty minutes.(她30分鐘內就做完功課了。)
(O)I have finished my breakfast.(我已用完了早餐。)
(O)Sam finished second in the finals.(在決賽拿下了亞軍。)
(O)I finish work at five.(我五點下班。)

Finish後面加V-ing不是to V。


(X)They’ve finished to read the book.
(O)They’ve finished reading the book.


(O)His contract ends this month.(他的合約本月終止。)
(O)World War ll ended in 1945.(二次大戰結束於1945。)
(O)Turn left at the end to the road.(到路底左轉。)

End是強調結束點,自然發生的過程,所以後面不加V-ing也不加to V。


(X)Text me when you’ve ended running.
(O)Text me when you’ve finished running.

come to an end 結束

The meeting came to an end at six.(該會議6點鐘結束了)



claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.