【英文謬誤】聽到That’s a steal!別緊張!

claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2016


百貨公司的週年慶才剛結束,辦公室開始在討論各自在週年慶的戰利品,Abbie聽見幾個同事開心地大喊”That’s a steal!”,心裡嚇了一大跳,難道是偷來的?

A steal/a good deal 這東西真划算!


You got this great car for 3000 bucks? That’s really a steal.(你只花了3000塊買這台好車?真是太超值了!)

I got an iPhone 8 on sale, at a stealing price.(我在大拍賣的時候,用超低的價格買了一部iPhone 8。)

That’s such a good deal. I only paid 200 bucks.(這價格真的很划算,我只付了200塊。)

a deal是用來形容價格划算,而不是指物品本身是a good deal,介系詞用on。

Get a good deal (on something) (=get it at a low price)。


(X)My VR headset was a good deal.

(O)I got a good deal on my VR headset.


I accidently bought a stolen car.(我不小心買了一部贓車。)

20% off是指打8折

看到off就要聯想到: 消除、折價,一件商品寫20%OFF,就是扣掉20%的價格,也就是打8折,千萬不要認為是2折喔。

The drone was 20% off. Just 100 dollars.(無人機打八折,只要100美元。)

I got 50% off my laptop.(我的電腦是用半折買的。)

$10 off: 折價10元

10% off sale price:特價後再打九折

Buy 1 get 1 free:買一送一

Buy one get one half price:第二件半價



Overpriced 價格過高的

This sofa was way too overpriced.(這沙發價格太貴了。)

A rip-off (n.)價錢高得離譜的商品


The pencil was such a rip-off. Who wants to pay $1000 for a simple pencil?(這鉛筆還真是騙錢。誰會為了一支普通的鉛筆花1000塊呢?)

To rip off (v.)坑…(誰)錢,敲…(誰)竹槓

這裡注意,受詞固定放在rip跟off的中間,to rip sb. off。

I tried to bargain for this coat, but I still think I paid too much. That shop definitely ripped me off.(這件大衣我有試著殺過價,但我還是覺得我買貴了,那個店家鐵定有坑我錢。)

刊登于商業周刊 http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/article.aspx?id=18453&type=Blog



claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.