【英文謬誤】How should I put it? 我該怎麼說

claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2018


他自己會說:How should I say?

老外會說:How should I put it?


例如在開會時,我們常聽人說:”What’s the best way to put this?”(要怎麼說比較好),這裡的put不只是「擺」,而是一種「訊息的安置」。我們今天來熟悉put這個字的同時,希望大家也開始留意每一個英文字都有從核心出發,往外延伸的多層意義。

Put 說/表達/解釋

How should I put it?


Now let me put it this way…


Why do you always have to put things so brutally?


Just stay put, I’ll get the door.


Put 書寫/安置

The staff asked me to put down my name on the paper.(工作人員要我把我的名字寫在紙上。)

Put a period at the end of a sentence.(在句末加上句號。)

Put 讓/試著/處於……(狀態)


We tried to put the dog at ease. 我們試著安撫那隻狗。

This put us in a very difficult situation.(這事讓我們陷入窘境。)

Put 設定/標價

Put a price/value/figure on sth.

They decided to put a price of eighty thousand dollars on the new product.(他們決定把新產品定價訂在8萬塊。)

You can’t put a value on trust.(信任沒有標價。)



claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.