【英文謬誤】It’s not my thing. 意思是?3種容易引起誤會的thing用法

claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2019

客戶邀請的聚餐,Emily想讓外籍同事Larry一道去。結果Larry回答她:It’s not really my thing. Why don’t you go ahead without me?


It’s not really my thing.

這裡的thing指天生的能力或偏好。當人說not my thing時,是指Not something one particularly enjoys or is good at. 不是特別會做,或特別想做的。

School isn’t my thing. I just want to get a job. 讀書不是我的專長,我想找份工作。


1. This is a thing.


“A thing” 是新近流行用詞,指一種潮流、時尚、新玩意,有點接近中文的「夯」。
Mom jeans are a thing now in the fashion world. 老媽牛仔褲在時尚界很流行。

如果講成了問句 Is this even a thing?
就有點諷刺意味,相當於英文的 “Does this even exist?” 像中文的「這樣也行?/這算哪門子事?」

2. Have a thing about…..可能是很喜歡或很討厭


Ben’s got a thing about Harley Davidson — he’s got three of them. Ben很喜歡哈雷,他有3輛。
She’s got a thing about spiders — she won’t go near them. 她很怕蜘蛛,總是離得遠遠的。

3. For one thing 首先、一來


A:Why won’t you come to New York with me? 你為甚麼不跟我去紐約?
B:For one thing, I don’t like flying, and for another, I can’t afford it.” 一來,我不喜歡坐飛機;再者,我買不起機票。

It's also published at https://www.businessweekly.com.tw.



claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.