【英文謬誤】The idea has legs. 「想法長腳」是好?還是不好?

claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2019

Chloe剛到一個外商公司上班,雖然溝通都大致上沒問題,可是還是覺得有聽沒有懂,有次收到老闆的回饋,裡面寫著:You asked me what I thought about your proposal. I think this idea has legs. Chloe看了三遍,滿臉狐疑,難道是覺得她的想法,畫蛇添足像多了一隻腳嗎?


have legs意思是還有下文、很有機會成功,充滿生命力像有長腳一樣,馬上就能跑起來。在英文的商務用語裡面,充滿像這樣看得懂,卻不見得能從字面體會的用法,特別喜歡用肢體動作來表現,有時是充滿畫面感,更有時覺得很貼切。

1. have legs


This business has legs. 這家企業很有生命力

The news has legs — you’ll probably read it in one or two years. 這新聞還沒結束,可能未來一兩年還會看到後續。

not have a leg to stand on


If you have no evidence, you don’t have a leg to stand on. 如果你沒有證據,你就站不住腳。

2. put your finger on


There’s something odd about him, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. 他有點怪怪的,但我不太能確定哪裡不對勁。

3. point the finger at


It’s very easy to point the finger at management. 指責管理階層很容易。

People are pointing the finger at the rule party. 人民指責執政黨。





claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.