【英文謬誤】「試穿襯衫」說 try this shirt是錯的!4種”try”用法一次告訴你

claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2016



如果要列出十個台灣人掛在嘴巴上的英文字,”try”肯定在榜上:「你Try Try看啊!」、「要多Try幾次」,不過一旦要你用英文try造句呢?


(X)Can I try this shirt?

(O)Can I try this shirt on?

如果你是說”Can I try this shirt?”那你就是屬於被中文干擾英文的一份子。試穿,用的是try on這個片語,那同樣都是試,如果想要試擦口紅、試騎/開車子怎麼辦?也是直接用try?直接來看以下幾組比較:


I try not to drink too much water before sleeping.(我睡前盡量不喝太多水。)

I try to work out three times a week.(我盡量一個禮拜健身三次。)


I’ll try a piece of that mint apple rose pie, please.(請給我一個薄荷蘋果玫瑰派。)


Can I try these dresses on somewhere please?(請問我可以在哪裡試穿這些洋裝?)

I hate trying on new jeans.(我討厭試穿新的牛仔褲。)

I’ve tried on more than fifty wedding dresses,but I can’t find one I like.(我已經試穿超過50套婚紗了,但我就是找不到喜歡的)



I plan to try out for the cheerleading squad.(我想試試自己能不能夠加入啦啦隊。)


I’d like to try out this lipstick color. Do you have a tester for it?(我想試用這口紅的顏色,你們有試用品嗎?)

I am going to try out this skateboard. If I like it, I’ll buy it.(我想試玩一下這個滑板,如果我喜歡的話我就買。)

Gogoro offers everyone a chance to try out their smartscooter for 30 minutes.(Gogoro讓每個人都可以試騎他們的智慧電動車30分鐘。)

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claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.