In no time是有空?還是沒空?

claire y. w.
Office English
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2019


I’ll be there in no time. 天哪,他到底會來還是不會來?

“In no time”並不是沒有時間,而是:很快、馬上(soon、very quickly),快到幾乎無法計算的時間內的意思。

I’ll be there in no time.

“In no time”因為太口語的關係,不會出現在機場、車站廣播裡,廣播會用正式的語言,例如飛機起飛會用final (boarding) call:

This is the final boarding call for passengers Anne and Fred Collins booked on flight 372A to Kansas City. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. 這是飛往堪薩斯城372A班機的最後登機廣播,旅客Anne和Fred Collins請儘速到3號登機門登機。


The train is about to leave.
The train will be leaving shortly.

乍看之下和“In no time”很像的一個片語是“at no time”,但意思完全不同。“At no time”意思是“never”,從來不會、絕對不會。來看用法:

They would accept the contract at no time. 他們無論如何都不會接受這項合約。
At no time would he get drunk. 他從來都不會喝醉。




claire y. w.
Office English

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.