008 — The Only Response to Outrageous Pain is Outrageous Love

Dr. Marc Gafni
Office for the Future
24 min readFeb 13, 2023

This piece is a lightly edited transcript of a live talk [December 17, 2016] given by Dr. Marc Gafni and Barbara Marx Hubbard on the weekly broadcast One Mountain, Many Paths, founded by Gafni and his evolutionary partner Barbara Marx Hubbard. Thus, the style of the piece is spoken word and not a formal essay.

Edited by Mak Dizdar and Kristina Tahel Amelong. Prepared for publication by Jamie Long.

The way of the new human

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Barbara Marx Hubbard

We are entering the Christmas season so let us feel the Christ child within each of us, ready to be born. It is as if we are Mary, finding a manger, giving birth to a new human and a new humanity in the silence of the darkness, being the womb of evolution. In this same sacred space of evolutionary receptivity was born a being who was a new human: Christ, who also held the qualities we are cultivating in the Evolutionary Church. Let us give thanks for the Evolutionary Church as a manger for the new human within each of us.

What is the evolutionary way of the new human?

  • To love your neighbor as yourself
  • To love the unique expression of divine beingness within yourself
  • To love another with the Divine Self coming forth from you as a gift.
  • To realize the divine gift of creativity and love is God within you, is the Christ within you.

When you see your full potential self, you are seeing the God within you.

To give your gift of unique creativity to others is a giant step in overcoming loneliness. You are not alone when you are giving your gift to others in a way that is nourishing them and you.

The companion step is to receive the gift from others with passionate appreciation for their divine uniqueness. You are never alone when loving the gifts of others.

To give and receive each other’s gifts of genius is a way to Evolutionary Love, a way to shine the light at the God within each of us as expressions of unique God-given divinity.

To give our gifts is to confess our greatness to each other —

We join our gifts.
We let our gifts chime.
We let our gifts shine.

Thank you. Marc, I turn to you for prayer.

A holy trinity of Evolutionary Church

Dr. Marc Gafni

Lady B, Good Morning! Welcome, everyone. Welcome!

It is in the turning to and the turning away; it is the way we look at each other —

that everything happens, so thank you so much for that resonant field, Barbara.

We are here in week eight of Evolutionary Church, a historic moment as we go into the Christmas season, laying the foundation of this Church, which is the realization that we live in a world of outrageous pain. And, the only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love.

  • We live in a world of outrageous pain.
  • The only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love.
  • We live in a world of outrageous beauty.
  • The only response to outrageous beauty is Outrageous Love.

The principle of Evolutionary Church is Outrageous Love, Evolutionary Love, the realization that The Universe: A Love Story.

That is the most important meme we can share through Evolutionary Church:

— Evolution is a story about Love in action.
Evolution is not an exterior process happening out there.
Evolution feels.
The Universe feels.
The Universe feels Love.
— Love is not hard to find.
— Love is impossible to avoid.
Evolutionary Love drives the entire process.

We are reclaiming what God means. We are reclaiming Love. We are reclaiming what church or synagogue or a mosque might mean, at a higher level of consciousness.

God in the first person

In the Holy Trinity there is God, or Love, in the first person.

God in the first person, which is Tat tvam asi: Thou art that.

But, not as our Eastern friends say, Thou art awareness.

Rather, God in the first person is that which is the initiating and animating energy — the Eros of All-That-Is — that lives in you, as you, and through you.

  • Thou art Love.
  • Thou art a unique expression of LoveIntelligence and LoveBeauty.
  • Thou art unique Love

That is God, or Love, in first-person.

God in the third person

God, or Love, in third person is the Story of Evolution, or Love in Action.

God, or Love, in third person is the Evolutionary Love that drives the entire process of creation, which is the heart of existence itself.

Evolutionary Love and Outrageous Love are the same thing.

Love is not ordinary love, which is often only a strategy of the ego.

Outrageous Love is the heart of existence itself, or the third person Love that is the driving force of everything.

God in the second person

Finally we go into prayer, getting to God in the second person.

God in the second person is God, or Love, that knows your name.

You. You. You!

From the infinity of power to the infinity of intimacy

I want to ask everyone to shut your eyes. There are certain things you can only see with your eyes shut.

When we shut our eyes, we open the inner eye. We step into God in the third person, we step into Love that drives all of Reality.

Imagine billions of light years, cosmic creativity in every moment, the entire table of complex elements in chemistry, all the laws of physics. Imagine the Infinite Power of Reality that all the great traditions understood, the supernovas of divinity exploding all through the evolutionary chain in dazzling intelligence beyond imagination.

No supercomputer, no team of supercomputers, no artificial intelligence can even bear the pale glimmer of what is the Infinite Power and Intelligence of Source that Animates All of Reality.

That is God in love in the third-person.
That is the Infinity of Power over those billions of light years.

Imagine that.
Feel it.
Touch into it.

Then, move from the Infinity of Power to the Infinity of Intimacy knowing that all of that Energy, Love, Power, and Intelligence is the third-person of God sitting in a chair next to you —

  • knowing your name,
  • caring about you,
  • desperately yearning about your life.

Know that your entire life is dignified, needed, honored and recognized, and that you are singing hallelujah, that your entire life is hallelujah .

Footnote: In the Hebrew Bible, hallelujah is a compound word, from hallelu, meaning “to praise joyously,” and yah, a shortened form of the unspoken name of God.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

The holy and broken Hallelujah

We move into the hymn of Evolutionary Church, which is the hymn of Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen.

In every moment, whether it is a holy or a broken Hallelujah, from my lips, She (Goddess) is drawing Hallelujah.

— Song: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Hallelujah in Hebrew, hallel — praise, pristine praise.
Hallelujah, holelut — the drunken intoxication when we are lost in life.
In every moment, life is a holy and it is a broken hallelujah!

Hallelujah speaks, as King David did, of the dignity of our lives.

Our lives are infinitely dignified.
Our lives are adequate.
Our lives are needed.

  • We don’t want to move beyond our story.
  • We want to move beyond our ego story, or the story of our contraction.
  • We want to enter into the story of our Unique Self, or our sacred autobiography, where we realize that my love story is part of:

The Universe: A Love Story.

The great principle of Evolutionary Church is The Universe: A Love Story, an Evolutionary Love story.

My personal love story is not my contraction. It is not my way of handling my early attachment issues. It is not my way of covering over the emptiness.

My love story is the Universe having a Marc experience.

It is The Universe: A Love Story, as me.

Story about prayers: ask for everything!

We have gotten so many beautiful emails from people saying: Wow, I thought prayer was a fundamentalist thing.

We realized, no, the god you don’t believe in doesn’t exist, not a fundamentalist God, who is ethnocentric, homophobic, owned by one church.


It is the personal face of Essence that knows my name. What the Hindus and the Jews called The Mother. Mother, Eema: Mother, who holds me.

Feel into that and say, what do we ask Mother for?

I am going to tell you a holy story. Then, we are going to do our prayer, to really get what we do when we pray.

There is a master called Israel, the Baal Shem Tov, the Master of the Good Name, the founder of the Hasidic movement.

He goes on this trip with his disciples. They get to a town — a hamlet in Russia. They knock at a door and 10 pious disciples pour in with the Baal Shem Tov to a very poor family.

The wife is like: Oh my God, we barely have food for the week, we’ve got to feed these people?

But, the husband says, Yes, whatever they’d like.

So the Baal Shem Tov, this Master of the Good Name says, give me the biggest breakfast in the world.

His disciples are all ashamed. Biggest breakfast? This is a poor man, why are you asking for the biggest breakfast in the world?

He says, give me the biggest breakfast.

So, the poor family gives the Master of the Good Name the biggest breakfast in the world.

The disciples hope they are leaving, but they all stay for lunch and the master says, give me the biggest lunch in the world, everything. Slaughter your chickens, whatever you have. (This was pre-vegetarian age. Whole Foods wasn’t around. Slaughter!)

The disciples want to get the heck out of there. Their master is totally embarrassing them. This family is so poor and the master just asked for the biggest lunch for all 10 of us.

The master says, I’m staying for dinner as well.

Are you serious, ask the disciples, we’re staying for dinner? This poor man has nothing.

We’re staying for dinner. I’d like you to make me the biggest dinner around as a meal to God.

The disciples think he’s gone crazy. They knew he was a crazy wisdom master. They can’t believe it. He’s gone crazy. He eats the dinner. He gobbles everything up.

The disciples are forced to eat by their master. They leave completely ashamed. Six of the disciples leave their master because he’s obviously gone crazy, two refuse to talk to him, and two show up the rest of the year, but are completely alienated and disillusioned.

A year goes by.

On exactly that date the master says, let’s go visit them again.

Oh my God, say the two disciples, Let’s go visit them again, are you serious?

They do travel.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

They get to this hamlet in eastern Russia. They come before this man’s home, which was dilapidated, poor and broken down. There is a miniature palace and this beautiful gate on the outside. There are horses. They walk in. There are servants and light shining.

The Master says to the man, this poor man who is now obviously not poor at all and is now living in this beautiful home, the master says: please, tell my disciples what happened!

So the man says, when you left last time, I had nothing. You had taken everything I had. I went into the forest. I had always prayed to God for all — the whole world, but never for me because I didn’t want to bother God. At this point, I had seven children and my wife; you had taken everything from me. I was furious, so I had no choice. I turned to God and I said, God, you’ve got to help me! I am going to tell you exactly what I need! I need money for this week. I need this for my children. For the first time, I just asked for everything. I asked for everything. Then, a particular business deal came my way, then something else, then something else, my entire fortune began to turn.

The Master said: when you pray, listen to this man, you ask for everything.

Community’s holy prayers

Ask for everything!
Ask for the people in Aleppo, who are desperate for the world to intervene.
Ask for your uncle Morris, who needs to have surgery.
Ask for your own creativity.
Ask for your relationships.

Prayer is what removes us from loneliness.
Prayer liberates us.
We know, we may live lives, occasionally, of quiet desperation, but we are never lonely. We are never alone.

We turn to the Divine and we say, help me!

Help me!

So I ask everybody — write your prayers and let’s reclaim prayer. Prayer, not to the fundamentalist God, but prayer to the God-who-knows-our-name, who is the Source of All, who is the force of the second person. God who is Evolutionary Love, God who is holding us in the world.

Let’s reclaim prayer. Take the time. The gates are open and everything can go in.

Everything can be opened up.

David: I pray to always be the best version of ourselves.
Ella: I pray for a new baby.
Don: May the consciousness of humanity be raised to the place of peace and harmony.
Carol: I pray for my grandchildren to have wonderful lives of Outrageous Love.
Kristina: I pray for all of us to live as Love in Action.
Elias: I pray for all the Syrians. I pray for the indigenous beings of the world.

Pray for everyone.
Prayer affirms the dignity of personal needs.
If I can’t affirm the dignity of my own personal need, I can’t recognize the dignity of someone else’s personal need.

Are we evangelical?
Yes, we are!
This is good news.

The good news of knowing that we are held.
Let the prayers open up the gates of Heaven.
Let’s pray for everyone.

I pray for all the people of Aleppo, who are reaching out to the world and saying Help us! I pray for Donald Trump to open his eyes, and Barack Obama to open his eyes. Both of them — to come together and speak and say — we are going to step into Aleppo. We are going to stop the suffering. For the first time in the 20th and 21st century, we are not going to allow that kind of pain — outrageous pain — to happen in front of us.

Pray and don’t forget. Don’t skip yourself. If you skip yourself, your prayer doesn’t open.

Prayer affirms the dignity of personal need.

From this place of prayer — from this place of radical open heart, I turn to Barbara, sister Barbara, beloved wholemate.

Take us into the message, as we open the gates in prayer, as we transcend loneliness into Outrageous Love.

Amen. Amen.

Evolutionary Church: a nurturing place

Barbara Marx Hubbard

This is an outrageous prayer that goes with Outrageous Love.

I am praying that everyone on Earth feel it as their unique impulse to give their love, to create with one another.

I ask everyone on Earth to join together in prayer and love, in a planetary awakening, before the greatest catastrophes that are foreseen to happen.

I ask that Evolutionary Church be one of the nurturing places, one of the wellsprings for those who want to give their love to co-create a world equal to our spiritual, social, and scientific potentials.

I want to be part of such a loving community.

I have within me a love so big, so great, and so large that I didn’t know what to do with it. Now, that I am in an Evolutionary Church, oh my God — I can just let it all out because you can too!

Is that okay? Is it okay to be just as loving as you could possibly be with each other?

You know, I thought I was going to talk about loneliness. But hearing your prayer, Marc, and hearing Hallelujah, I am saying a tremendous hallelujah that we are giving birth together like Mary with the Christ child in the manger.

Each of us is the Christ child in the manger.
We have to come out and be loved!

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Become beacons of light unto yourselves

Now, I want to tell you, I have written an enormous amount on the New Testament. It is interesting that two Jewish families, Marc Gafni and myself, should be coming together to do this. I want to read a few messages from the Christ I received when I asked, what kind of human can handle all this power of nanotech, biotech, quantum computing, thermonuclear bombs?

Who is great enough to handle all this power?

Here’s what I got —

  • You — all of you — who are desirous and ready are the way!
  • Be beacons of light unto yourselves.
  • In this church, that is what we are going to do.

This tiny band — this brave congregation of souls attracted to the future of the world — are my avant-garde.

Does that feel right?

We are attracted to the future of the world. We don’t know fully what it is, but we are capable of being attracted.

You are a new order of the future

You are self-selected souls, who have come to Earth to carry the miracle of the resurrection into action, as the transformation of humanity from Homo sapiens sapiens to Homo Universalis. The species that can use all the powers that science and technology have given to us, with love, is a new humanity.

This is the writing that I received from the evolutionary consciousness of a Christ.

We are right at the threshold of that being born.

I saw the absolutely essential quality of an Evolutionary Church to gather the community that feels this way.

Send us all out into the world — that is certainly a place of home to be.

A call for the avant-garde of humanity

I call upon you to activate the capacity to save the world from self-destruction.

I call upon you to undertake a mission comparable to the first disciples. They were the first to carry the message of the Reality of our potentials to all the nations.

You will do the work that I do, and greater works than these will you do, said He.

You are the last to carry this message.

They lived at the beginning of the change. You are living at the end times of this phase of evolution.

True? I mean, this is phenomenal!

This text is a call to action to new disciples of Christ and all great spiritual masters — to manifest their own capacity to do as Christ did and more.

The text — this text that came through to me — is for the avant-garde of humanity, those who awaken with love in their hearts and joy in their spirits as the glory that shall be revealed in all of us.

I call upon Homo Universalis. Do we have any Homo Universalis here? Those in whom the flame of expectation burns high. Is there anybody here in whom the flame of expectation is burning?

Marc: I think we do, Lady B. I think we do.

Barbara: Yes! Yes. With love in their hearts, yes, I call upon Homo Universalis to set about the double task of self-transformation and the activation of the world’s capacities to achieve the goal of its history.

A Yes to self-evolution, and to the evolution of the world as one connected action.

Marc: Yes! The evolutionary Yes, the holy Yes!

Nurture the genius of humanity in us

Barbara Marx Hubbard

We are to become natural Christs.

We are to communicate to the world its potential to restore the Earth, to free the people, and to impregnate the universe with new life.

We are Homo universalis, or Homo amor.

You are here to participate in the world. We live in a participatory universe. When enough people feel empathy for each other, for nature, for Spirit, because we are here to participate in instances of cooperation, in the planetary birth, in the second coming of the Christ in all of us.

This is our purpose in the Evolutionary Church: to nurture the genius of humanity within every one of us and to confess our greatness to the world, so that the greatness of every person can be received.

I was thinking that this massive feeling of loneliness, which is considered to be one of the most painful of the psychological problems in modern Western world, can only be overcome by giving our gifts of love the whole way.

This is what Marc calls, Outrageous Love is not ordinary love, it is Evolutionary Love.

A little story. I was once at the Mount Calvary Monastery, doing communion everyday with those monks — holy, holy communion, eating taking the body of Christ. We were these poor, sacred strangers — lost.

So, I finally went up to one of these priests and I said, I don’t feel like a poor sacred lost stranger. Do you?, said I to the monk in the beautiful white robes and all of that.

He said, of course not, it is just poetry!

I said, it is bad poetry!

Marc: Amen, sister! Let’s write new poetry. Not our sin. We must confess our greatness.

Barbara: I went to that monastery for a long while, but then I stopped going and I started to do the communion all by myself and I began to recognize that I can consciously consume the living body of Christ, comparable to what the nuns do when they take the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is an enormously potent ritual. It is not a ritual. It is an actuality. Because all nuns worldwide are consuming every single day — the frequency of that living body.

In the Evolutionary Church, Marc, whatever our rituals could be, like Holy Eucharist of consuming the living body of the highest frequency of essence of being, such that when we are together — like when those nuns are together — that is real for them; they go out and change the world. The evolutionary nuns are the best. I worked a lot with them. The evolutionary humans are an aspect of that, worldwide.

I am grateful that we formed this.
I am grateful for every single one of you to be here together with us.

That we, together — when we go to the sacred retreat, I really want us to experience what it is to give our gifts of love to each other. Once those gifts can be given — nothing will ever take them back again — we will never be alone again. I turn it to you, Marc…

Confess your greatness

Dr. Marc Gafni

Amen, Beloved! Amen! Amen!

In this moment —

— We are going to ‘bring in’ all those people from Aleppo. They are going to be with us.
— We are going to confess our greatness and devote ourselves to the higher evolutionary cause.

It was Patti Smith singing at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, Bob Dylan’s, A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.

Where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Where have you been, my darling young one?
I stumbled on the side of 12 misty mountains.
I’ve walked, I’ve crawled on six crooked highways.
I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests.
I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans.
I’ve been 10,000 miles in the mouth of a graveyard.
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard. It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

It is a story of outrageous pain.

I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around.
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it.
I saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping.
I saw a roomful of men with their hammers a-bleedin’.
I saw a white ladder all covered with water.
I saw 10,000 talkers whose tongues were all broken.
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children.

I want to hold with you the outrageous pain.

Then, we are going to move it into Outrageous Love.

Speaking, praying for Aleppo, inviting Donald Trump. Donald Trump as an Outrageous Lover. Barack Obama as an Outrageous Lover.

You know, when we wrote a tweet a couple of weeks ago in Evolutionary Church, Donald Trump is an Outrageous Lover — a particular reporter, who is not a fan of mine, re-tweeted it: Oh my God! How could Marc Gafni say Donald Trump is an Outrageous Lover?

You know what? If we demonize Donald Trump, then Donald Trump is going to be a demon. When we demonize people, they become demons.

But, when we look at people and say, you are an Outrageous Lover, then their natural true essence emerges, whether that is Sarah Palin, or Michelle Obama, or Barack Obama, or Bill Clinton, or Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump. America has got to be sacred because we always seek transformation.

We’ve got to come together.
We are not against each other.
We are against unlove.

We live in a world of outrageous pain. Bob Dylan sings of outrageous pain — now we are going to take it to Outrageous Love.

Yes, we are excited! We say every week, we are evangelicals. We are bringing the good news

— the good news of Outrageous Love,
— the good news of evolution,
the good news that evolution awakens in us, as person and in person.

What is the source of pain?

Outrageous pain always comes from the feeling that I am alone.
Outrageous pain comes from loneliness.
Outrageous pain comes from pseudo-eros, the addictions. the addictions to power.

The addictions to power always disguise themselves. You know, in the church, the Borgias, the Popes, they were doing all the rituals, but they were still addicted to power.

Sometimes in the New Age Movement or the Human Potential Movement, we have people addicted to their activism. It is world centric consciousness. It is an egocentric psychology. We can talk about the world making peace. But, we don’t know how to make peace.

We’ve got to make peace among us.

We’ve got to be the change — said Gandhi — that we want to bring to the world.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Three noble truths

Let’s go deep for a second. What are the noble truths of Evolutionary Church?

The first noble truth: you are an irreducibly unique expression of LoveIntelligence. You are a Unique Self.

The second noble truth: Uniqueness tells you that Reality intended you.

Feel that! You can actually feel what they call in Buddhism — Kensho. You step out of yourself.

Reality intended you.

The third noble truth: Reality not only intended you, Reality desires you.

Wow, Reality desires you!

We usually associate the word desire with the sexual. Now desire in the sexual is beautiful. But, what we’ve done is —

We have exiled desire to the sexual.

Since we have exiled desire to the sexual and since there is a basic human need to be desired, the sexual collapses under the weight of a burden it cannot bear.

We turn every sexual issue into an insult, then we wind up:

  • with sexual abuse,
  • with sexual harassment,
  • with false complaints,
  • with rape,
  • with weaponizing of sex.

Look at the election we just had. Bill Clinton sitting in the front row. Donald Trump bringing in people who accuse Bill Clinton. Donald Trump getting accused by 10 other people.

Weaponizing sex.

What about holding a holy world? A holy world in which desire is holy.

The sexual is so confused because we look to the sexual as the affirmation that we are desired, which is the exile of the holy into the sexual.

The sexual has got to model the holy, not be the holy.

Where does desire live?

— Desire is the very nature of Reality.
— Desire is the knowing that you are desired by all of Reality.
— The implication of uniqueness, of being a Unique Self, is that Reality desires you.

Reality only manifests what it desires.

Reality is allurement and desire, all the way up and all the way down, from quarks becoming hadrons, leptons, muons, subatomic particles, up through molecules and cells.

Evolutionary Love is another word for desire. The entire evolutionary process is Evolutionary Love. It is desire all the way up and all the way down.

To be a human being, says the great evolutionary mystics in the original scripture, Hakadosh Baruch Hu Mit’Aveh La’asot Dirato, Ba’tachtonim.

God desires you. You are desired by God.

Wow, I am desired by God!

That is not a myth.
It is not a metaphor.
It is sanity.
It is the truth of Reality.

Your Uniqueness implies that Reality, through massive sets of holy synchronicities, desired your existence.

The universe is having a Michelle experience; the universe desires a Michelle experience.

Finally, the fourth noble truth: You are needed by All-That-Is. Reality needs you.

Reality needs your service. Reality needs your gift. Reality needs your unique creativity.

Imagine Barack Obama, President Of The United States Of America, calls you up and says, I can’t believe it. I’ve been watching you, and you are it, you are it!
He knows all about you. He describes your unique talents, and exactly what you know and how you do it, everything about you.

Then he says: what you have is needed by All-That-Is.

He has been talking to you for three hours. You get off the phone. How do you feel?

Depressed? Do you run for your Prozac? Do you run to take another New Age course?
I don’t think so.

Everything has literally shifted within.
You are ecstatic.
You realize, oh my God — I am needed!

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Liberation from loneliness

Wow, the liberation from loneliness that Barbara spoke about, do you hear what she said? It was so beautiful. You cannot be liberated from loneliness by just having one other person that you tell all your stuff to, all the time.

That is just the beginning.

Of course, you want to share all your stuff. But, to be liberated from loneliness, you’ve got to know —

  • Reality knows your name.
  • Reality loves you.
  • Reality desires you.
  • Reality needs your service.

All of a sudden, it all opens up; it all comes alive in a different way.

It is the liberation of desire.

Here is a sentence. It is the biggest sentence in the world: all failures of ethics come from a collapse of Eros.

Eros is the knowing that we live in The Universe: A Love story.

To live an erotic life has nothing to do with sex —

  • You can be celibate and live an erotic life.
  • You can be polyamorous and live an erotic life.
  • You can be monogamous and live an erotic life.

Eros means that you are awake with the shimmering flame of Outrageous Love, giving the unique gifts that are yours to give, that can be given by no one else, but you.

Eros means to know

— there is a poem only you can write.
— there is a song only you can sing.
— there is a way of being, laughing, loving in the world that is desperately needed by All-That-Is that is the highest expression of Reality that only you can do to perfection, which is to be yourself

You might as well be yourself because as Oscar Wilde said, Everybody else is taken.

We enter into this new evolutionary ritual, Confess Your Greatness. To confess your greatness is to confess something that you did —

— a moment you had,
— a realization,
— a good act that you did.

When I confess my sin, as Barbara said, If I am a wretch, what does the world want from me?

When you confess your greatness, we begin to become alive. We come together in Unique Self Symphony.

I turn to my word to Barbara to bring us into confession of greatness, Lady B.
Amen, Hallelujah.

Confessions of greatness

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Yes, thank you, Marc.

I confess my greatness. I am saying, Yes!

— to the impulse of evolution to go the whole way in this lifetime.
— to everyone else going the whole way.

My greatness is to catalyze a world in which each person is able to live up to their potential. My greatness is calling us to live that in synchronistic synergy in time — to shift from the Aleppos of the world, which are everywhere — this is a terrible one.

The pain that is everywhere can be healed by connecting our greatness worldwide.

Now, I ask for your confession of greatness as the peak feeling or experience when you do it.

Oriana: Hi, to all! My greatness is that I have followed the evolutionary impulse inwardly as it collapsed into a fractal pattern within our own genetic coil, and I know how to unlock those deeper encodings.

Dennis: Yes, my greatness is that I can see beyond what is apparent to the inside of what truly is.

Mosa: I learned unconditional love when I took care of both my parents and helped them both leave the planet. It has been in the last five-years, six-years that I have enveloped the fifth sacred thing in my life, which is to leave every situation with more love than I found it.

Barbara: Imagine if everyone did that? Imagine.

Marc: Yeah, Amen! Confession of greatness, beautiful.

We are going to close with this —

(Marc sings…)

— Song: How Could Anyone by Libby Roderick

How can anyone ever tell you, beloved, that you are anything less than beautiful?
How can anyone ever tell you that you are less than whole?
How can anyone fail to notice that our love is just a miracle and,
How deeply we are connected in our souls.

We are imperfect vessels for the light.
We are evangelicals.
We are bringing the good news as imperfect vessels for the light.
We are not politically correct.
We are spiritually incorrect.
We are moving from a politics of rage to a politics of love.
From a politics of fear to a politics of empathy.
Let us sing it together, to each other one last time.

Deep bow to my wholemate, Lady B, for the most gorgeous message.
To everyone who is here…
— irreducible Unique Selves in Unique Self Symphony
— generating a Planetary Awakening in Love.

(Marc sings…)

— Song: How Could Anyone by Libby Roderick

How can anyone ever tell you, beloved, that you are anything less than beautiful?
How can anyone ever tell you that you are less than whole?
How can anyone fail to notice that our love is just a miracle and,
How deeply we are connected in our souls.

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Evolutionary Spirituality | One Mountain Many Paths



Dr. Marc Gafni
Office for the Future

Author, Visionary Philosopher, Evolutionary Mystic, Social Innovator, and the President of the Center for Integral Wisdom. http://www.marcgafni.com