010 — Reclaiming God as Evolution

Dr. Marc Gafni
Office for the Future
24 min readMar 1, 2023

This piece is a lightly edited transcript of a live talk [December 31, 2016] given by Dr. Marc Gafni and Barbara Marx Hubbard on the weekly broadcast One Mountain, Many Paths, founded by Gafni and his evolutionary partner Barbara Marx Hubbard. Thus, the style of the piece is spoken word and not a formal essay.

Edited by Margie Torres and Kristina Tahel Amelong. Prepared for publication by Jamie Long.

Feel the newness arising in you

Barbara Marx Hubbard

I have been dwelling on the question of, what is new?

It is hard to wait for the new to start so I am going to do a resonance that reminds us of the magnificence of our story to reside right now together in Mother Universe.

Feel everywhere, in every instance throughout the Universe, the consciousness that is sustaining and creating everything that is arising.

Enter this eternal field of pure awareness and feel the journey of your larger body, the consciousness force forming —

  • Earth,
  • life,
  • animal life,
  • human life,

…bringing Earth to the bursting point of the birth of a universal humanity.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Feel your choice to enter into this incarnation, at this precise moment, at the time when your planet is calling to you, to express your full potential in the evolution of the world, realizing that your soul, your essence, your Evolutionary Unique Self is inspired by, and in some deep sense, remembers the whole journey of creation.

We each made a choice to be here now.
We are awakening to ourselves, as co-creators in the great evolutionary story of creation.
The gestation is over.

The time of our birth as individual co-creators has arrived, at the exact moment, when planet Earth as a living organism is awakening to its own birth, to the next stage of evolution.

We recognize the coinciding of our own unique expression as impulse of evolution with the planetary birth calling for this impulse now. We remember the choice we made. We are asking our Unique Selves, our Evolutionary Unique Selves, to take dominion in us now.

The deepest impulse, this impulse is the Beloved, this gorgeous evolutionary impulse, is our guide. It is the Kingdom of Heaven within us. We are our own Evolutionary Unique Essential Selves.

I heard these words from my own Essential Self:

— I will never leave you.
— I am always with you in pain, in sorrow, in misery, and in joy.
— I, your deepest self, am now arising to consciousness in you.

You chose to step across the threshold from the land of a separated human, to the land of the connected, universal, co-creative, Unique Self.

We made the choice to step across the threshold. We are in the greatest school on Earth for the conscious evolution of humanity. There are no elders here because no one has done this before. We are one generation. We are learning here in Evolutionary Church.

Outrageous Love is to love one another as ourselves.

Each a unique expression of the divine impulse of creation, come into communion and community, for the birth of humanity, as co-creators with the Divine — we honor what we are doing here!

When we look outward, we see an old world dying of suffering and violence. We feel the pain of the billions and billions in the world. This pain activates our love, activates our empathy for others. It is the signal of the birth of our divine self, for the full emergence of our vocations of destiny, for the specific gift that we are to give.

Now that we have gained evolutionary eyes, let us see the reality of what is emerging through us.

  • Innovations, creative solutions, exist in every field and function.
  • Innovators and creators are building new systems, new projects everywhere.
  • Feel them arising from the body politic now.
  • Feel them arising through each of us.

We see news of the emerging world. Feel the new arising as the news of you is arising. You step into this emerging world. You meet mentors, guides, teachers, and creators, all of us creating this new world now.

Realize each of us is a higher being, the adult universal human, the fully expressed Evolutionary Unique Self in a We-Space during the moment of planetary evolution.

We discover each of us has the qualities of a co-creator.

In conclusion, let us imagine our evolved universal selves drawing inward beyond our current illusion of separation. Let us join our Unique Selves here, right now, globally with everyone, everywhere, in the great communion of pioneering souls gathering, to connect for the planetary awakening in our lifetime.

Dare to pray for newness

Dr. Marc Gafni

Most beloved wholemate, most wondrous resonance that we enter into at this moment, in this time and this New Years! We are in the tenth week of Evolutionary Church.

We are contemplatives, still waters run deep.
We are ecstatics.
We are evangelicals.
We are bringers, together all of us, of the good news.
We are not afraid to be excited.
We are not afraid to go deep.
On this New Years —
— as we are here in Bethlehem,
— as we are here in Mecca,
— as we are here in Beirut,
— as we are here in Damascus,
— as we are here in Jerusalem,
— as we are here in Portland,
— as we are here in Haight-Ashbury,
— as we are here in Manhattan,
— as we are here in the blue states and in the red states,
— as we are here in Asia,
— as we are here in the hinterlands of China,
— as we are here in the islands of Japan,
— as we are here in Malaysia,
— as we are here in Australia,
— as we are here in New Zealand.

As we come together, the noosphere is coming alive in us. Evolution is finding its voice, as we move from the ego of mastermind to the delight, the sensual delight that Teilhard de Chardin talked about, when evolutionaries come together in meta-mind.

Meta-mind is not regressive. It is progressive. Regressive, as a cult, we lose our individual voice. We lose the irreducible dignity of human rights. We lose our uniqueness.

Meta-mind is Evolutionary We-Space, Evolutionary Church, Unique Self Symphony, as the fundamental category in the new politics of Evolutionary Love, which we are going to offer to Donald Trump on Inauguration Day. Barbara and I have been working on it together.

We are about to move into prayer. Our theme is newness.

Newness is about new possibility!

Let me introduce the bare wonder of newness so we can take it into prayer because we are going to pray today for something new that we have never dared pray for before. We are going to step into a new horizon.

We are not here to be in Evolutionary Church as a form of confirmation bias —

— I am a liberal. I go to my liberal church. It confirms my liberalism.
— I am an arch conservative. I go to church. It confirms my conservatism.

No! Evolutionary Church is about newness because evolution is about newness. Evolution is about, said Alfred North Whitehead, the creative advance of novelty. Whitehead said, evolution has three properties: the one, the many, and novelty, newness in every moment.

Let’s bring a little brain science, a little holy neuroscience, a little holy deep mysticism as we move into prayer.

When we have to make a decision, friends, when we are confronted with a situation, then our brain reviews all the situations that we previously encountered that resemble the situation? The brain decides what we want to do, based on the super computer, before we consciously think about it.

There is no newness in ordinary life. Ordinary life is about repetition. We never do anything new. The structure of neuroscience supports that.

How do you break that cycle?
How do you break out of repetition?

Repetition, my friends, is depressing. But you need stability, and repetition brings stability.

The word, for example, Rosh Hashanah, in Hebrew is the word for New Year.
The word shana means shinun: the year of that which is repeated.

We need repetition, right? Because we want stability.

In Hebrew, the word shana, year, as in New Year, means not only repetition, but it also means shinui, radical change, transformation, newness. Wow!

Can you imagine what it would mean to be in newness?

How do you get to that newness? What do you do?

We know in neuroscience and we know in mysticism, that there is one way to break the pattern of yesterday to step into the new, do you know what that is? Wonder, radical amazement to be blown away by wonder.

Abhinavagupta, the great Kashmir Shaivite sage, he writes:

Enlightenment is the state of continual wonder. To be enlightened is to be able to have an original moment, an original thought, an original love. Enlightenment is the realization that the moment is pregnant and birthing something that never ever was before.

Do you think this is a metaphysical idea that has got nothing to do with you and me?

It has everything to do with you and me!

Because the only slave driver in the world, holy friends, is the belief that yesterday determines today. The only slave driver in the world is that I am limited by all my yesterdays. It is not true, my yesterdays define my trajectory.

If I enter into wonder, into radical amazement, if I enter into the deep well of silence of presence from which all creativity emerges, I realize that the very feature of Reality is the incessant creative advance of novelty.

Not only am I, physically, my cells. I generate a new physical being every X amount of time. I am regenerating. I am not only becoming new physically, but also mystically, interior, spiritually, morally, ethically, existentially, I become new.

I’ll tell you a little secret between us. I want to hang out with people who are becoming new because that is how we are going to bring in a new world.

You can’t remain old and create a new world.

It is why so many NGOs (non-governmental organizations) have this world centric consciousness. They are killing each other, fighting over territory. It is why we talk about creating a sacred vision of American politics, but behind the scenes, we are doing all sorts of crazy stuff. We can’t even make peace between ourselves. No, no, no.

To become new, we have to become new. Do you get it?

That is what the Buddhists meant when they said: You can make peace in the world when you become that peace.

When we become new, when we learn — Barbara, what is your favorite phrase, regenopause? I am becoming newer, says Barbara, everyday. Oh my God — is that true!

Barbara, can we remember what we said yesterday?

  • We are becoming new everyday.
  • We build on the old.
  • We emerge from the old.

As we step into prayer, we are going to do the hymn that we do every week, Hallelujah. We are going to listen to the hymn, then we are going to come back in prayer.

I want to invite everyone this week to pray for something you never would have dared pray for before, to genuinely pray for newness, to pray for the impossible.

I’ll tell you a little holy secret. You want the definition of God?

You can’t define God. You define God; you kill God. Here is the deepest mystical understanding of God. God is the possibility of possibility.

God is the possibility of possibility to the precise extent that, I am an incarnation of what Dante called, a baby face divine. I am the possibility of possibility. Let us own all of yesterday. Hallelujah!

We step into the Hallelujah of radical newness as we regenerate a world through regenerating ourselves.

Forgive us everyone, for any word that Barbara says off or I say off. Get us out of the way. Let us become new together. The next sangha is the Buddha. The next Buddha is the sangha. We are it! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for — Hallelujah!

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

Here we are together in Evolutionary Church. We are about to enter into prayer.

Let us take a moment.
Let us set our intention.
Let us set it so deeply.

Here we are! We are going to get excited!
You know we are afraid to get excited. We get emails saying —

Why is Marc so excited? Why? Is this evangelism?
Yes, it is! But it is not fundamentalism.
You get it?

We are willing to get excited at a Bruce Springsteen concert. We’ll spin it. We can do that. We can get excited with Jerry Garcia when we are spinning with Jerry. When Jerry is doing it, we can do it. But, we are afraid to get excited for a cause. What we have done is, we have exiled causes to fundamentalism.

So no! We are not fundamentalists. We are not, because we are not xenophobic. We don’t think that we have the one true way. We believe that all religions have great messages to the world.

We don’t think you can only find it in Christ. If you are outside of Christ and you are doing Buddha, you are damned.

In all those ways, we are not fundamentalists. But what we need to learn from fundamentalism is the ability to be excited, to bring the good news.

Here is why Donald Trump won the election — because the liberal world stopped bringing the good news.

Postmodernism came along and said, everything is a social construction of Reality. Evolution stalled. For the first time, the new vision of postmodernism told us what was wrong with the old vision, but didn’t offer a new one.

When the new memes of consciousness do not offer a new vision in the evolution of love, consciousness moves backwards. Evolution regresses.

Donald Trump came and animated the earlier memes of consciousness.

We cannot say, we are going to include people who are excluded.Of course, we do that.
Of course, we include every victim.
Of course, we include the environment which became a victim.

That is not enough. We need a new vision of duty —

— a new vision of honor,
— a new vision of delight,
— a new vision of Eros,
— a new vision of sexuality,
— a new vision of entrepreneurship,
— in which there is obligation and responsibility.

We need to be evangelists of genuine good news and not get upset because somebody said that Carrie Fisher was beautiful. The liberal press erupts and says, how could Steve Martin say Carrie Fisher was beautiful? Really, that’s our cause? Let me say it here, Carrie Fisher is beautiful. Attack me! Are you for real? That’s what liberal press gets upset about?

  • Tell me about obligation.
  • Tell me about responsibility.
  • Tell me about duty.

That is the excitement.

What is an evolutionary ethic?
What’s evolutionary integrity?
What is an evolutionary impulse that creates responsibility and obligation?

We are about to pray together. When we pray, if you’ve been with us for ten weeks. We are not praying to a fundamentalist God. The God you don’t believe in doesn’t exist. When we pray, we affirm the dignity of personal need. We pray to the personal face of the evolutionary impulse that both lives in us and, as Rumi knew so well, holds us at the same time.

I was talking to my friend, Michael Murphy, a while ago from Esalen about panentheism, which is a fancy way to say, what Rumi knew, what the mystics knew, what the Kabbalists knew: God lives in us, as us, and through us. Every place we fall, we fall into Her hands. Ramakrishna said: Mother! Mother! I fall into the hands of the Mother.

We need to reclaim prayer at a higher level of consciousness. We ask for everything. Not in obedience but in desperate plea, like children and at the same time like autonomous powerful beings — partners of God. The divine voice says: I live in you, and I hold you, and pray to me. Ask me. Ask me for everything, and ask for something you never dared ask for before.

I am opening and inviting everyone to write your prayers. We will read them out loud. We begin to pray and ask for everything that could possibly be — I pray for the ground and grace for the selves of the Divine.

Laura: I pray for an outrageous loving relationship.

Ask for everything! Dare to pray for newness!

Mosa: I pray for the miraculous, the extraordinary, the fulfillment.

Felipe: May I be in every moment the living expression of love and awe and wonder. I pray that people that I’ve never been able to make peace with this year, I can make peace with. I pray that I can give up being right.

Marc: Pray for other people: pray for anyone who needs you; anyone who you can help.

I pray for my Uncle Morris who is having an operation. I pray for my cousin Tom who needs a heart transplant. I pray for becoming my full self. If I am only praying for myself, I am in trouble. I pray for myself and I pray for everyone. I pray for that which I would never dare.

Sherry: For abundance to flow for all of the evolutionary projects.

Simona: For myself and for everyone to open to the newness of love.

Marc: Let the prayers roll. Let the God times roll. Let the dignity of personal need roll.

Sharon: I pray for Darlene’s back to miraculously heal.

I turn to beloved Barbara to lift these prayers to the sky. Remember what Rumi said, I’ll lift you like a prayer to the sky. With your message, dare be charismatic! Not in the ego sense, but let the charisma flow through you. The word is good in you, beloved wholemate. Take us to the newness that is evolution in this moment alive. Amen!

The synthesis of technology and evolutionary love

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Thank you, Marc! Thank you for those prayers, everybody.

I want to really go into the story of what is new. I would like to look at the growing edge of science and technology. I would like us in Evolutionary Church to bring the technologist in, to infuse us with their genius, and them with our love.

What Marc and I are a saying in these evolutionary sensemakings is that — “if we can combine the high technology genius in this world with the Evolutionary Love of the living presence of the Divine, we have created a new world.”

Where is the synthesis going to take place?

I am going to go over a few highlights. I am starting with a quote from my friend, Jerry Glenn, who ran the Millennium Project, and has nodal points all over the world that will be part of our Office for the Future.

He thinks there will be a new kind of civilization, one where mystics and technologists join together. When the people who have the deep inner impulse of creation alive in them — which is the technology of creation itself alive in us — are saying yes to the new technologies that are around us, they are the masters of technology. We are going to have extended bodies in every way.

Jerry Glenn says,

When we merge with the mystics’ attitude toward the world and
the technologists’ knowledge of the world, a new civilization will evolve into a continuum of technology and humanity. By the integration of technologies within our bodies. This integration will be improved to the degree that mystics’ and technologists’ world views join.

We could say, to the degree that love and genius join, one of the great purposes of the Evolutionary Church is to bring the greatest geniuses on Earth to join with our genius of Evolutionary Love.

The beauty of it is that it is all here now.
The new is here.
It is not just in the future.

One of the most famous people in this scientific evolutionary thought is Ray Kurzweil. Here is a quote from Ray Kurzweil:

The first half of the 21st century, which we are now in, will be characterized by three overlapping revolutions: in genetics, in nanotechnology, and robotics. We are in the early stages of the G (genetic) Revolution. By understanding the information processes underlying life, we are starting to learn to reprogram our biology, to achieve the virtual elimination of disease, dramatic expansion of human potential, and radical life extension. The Nanotechnology Revolution will enable us to redesign and rebuild, molecule by molecule, bodies and brains, and the world with which we interact — going far beyond the limits of biology.

Many people are afraid of this and wish to put technology to the side. First of all, they won’t be able to stop it. Secondly, it will be taken over by the military-industrial complex.

But, imagine if we bring it into the heart, into the love and into the evolutionary story.

I have met some people in the space program, and they are yearning for this.

One of my sons, who is in the space business, said to me:
Mom, why is it that the high technology geniuses are mostly fundamentalist Christian?

It is because they believe God is really at work in the world. They believe that they are here to recreate a new garden. They are here to evolve humanity.

Most spiritual people have left them out. Certainly, as you are saying Marc, I would say, the current green meme totally left them out.

Kurzweil continues: We are going to have this ability of radical life extension. The end revolution will enable us to redesign and rebuild molecule by molecule bodies and brains and the world with which we interact, going far beyond the limits of biology.

Nanotechnology stands for building, atom by atom by atom, the way nature does. One of the young men who invented nanotechnology called me up one day, twenty years ago, and said: Barbara, I think we can do resurrection from the dead.

I said: Eric, it’s about time!

He said: What do you mean it’s about time?

I said: Well, it did say in the Bible, we could do this — that we will all be changed.

He said: We could take the simplest cell and it can be resurrected because it is a DNA. It is an information code.

We are a manifestation of information-coding, so this is now possible.

The most powerful impending revolution, says Ray Kurzweil, is the R or Human-level robots with their intelligence derived from our own, but redesigned to far exceed human capacities.

What are we going to do about this? We have to open our minds and our hearts to this. Kurzweil says: R represents the most significant transformation because intelligence is the most powerful force in the Universe. Intelligence, if sufficiently advanced, is smart enough to overcome any obstacle in its way.

Who is going to guide this intelligence?

Shall we turn it over to the current political, military, industrial system where it is at? Or, shall we bring the technologists home to the impulse of evolution within them? I am very eager to do that…

Ray Kurzweil goes further to say: We are hitting a singularity.
Has anybody heard of what singularity is? Here is how he says it:

It is a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed by The Law of Accelerating Returns. Inherent acceleration of rate of evolution with technological evolution as a continuum of biological evolution.

So, when Marc says The Universe: A Love Story — connecting particles to particles through allurement, all the way up and all the way down — is it not true that this is the very same process of joining genius at the level of the technological skills with the love and the impulse of evolution toward higher consciousness, freedom, and order? Do you see the incredible possibility?

Marc: It is totally exciting!

(Ray Kurzweil, cont’d) —

The key idea underlying the impending singularity is that the pace of change of our human-created technology is accelerating, and its powers are expanding at an exponential rate. This will represent the merger of our biological thinking and existence with technology, resulting in a world that is still human but transcends our biological roots. There will be no distinction post-singularity between human, machine, and virtual reality.

Now, I am going to quote St. Paul: Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, we shall all be changed. Or Jesus: You will do the work that I did, and greater works than these will you do in the fullness of time.

Do you think that this is exactly the fullness of time and these powers now have to be brought into love?

I won’t go on about the Singularity, but he says and is very eloquent here, matter and mechanisms of the Universe will be transformed into exquisitely sublime forms of intelligence.

We are completely getting over the idea that we are the final result of evolution and it stops here with Homo sapiens sapiens and self-centered consciousness.

I want to read another thing here, which I happen to love, this one comes from James Gardner. We are entering the Virtual Cambrian Age:

Approximately half a billion years ago, a flash of the evolutionary eye, life crossed a portentous threshold, a fleeting instant. In geological terms, a wild profusion of animal body parts appeared — like head, neck, arms, legs.
They weren’t there before, but they seemed to be a good idea. Many creatures have heads, arms, legs, and so forth — In the late 20th century, the forces of cultural evolution crossed a threshold. We acquired technological capacity to intervene directly in the redesign of the human genome, as well as build technological extensions of human capability. I call this a new evolutionary watershed, the Virtual Cambrian Age.

Not only are we going to radically extend our life, but let’s take this computer that we are on, looking at each other from around the world, talking at each other, this is an extension in the post-Cambrian age of our body-minds.

We take this extension as a gift from God.
We take our cellphones as an extension of our global brain.
We are saying Yes to the extended capacities of humanity — if filled with love.

Bruce Lipton has a book called Spontaneous Evolution, he states, the Field is the sole governing agency of the particle. The material Universe is shaped by the invisible Field, the Matrix.

We are generating the Field. Genes are blueprints, not destiny. They are triggered on and off by environment and perception.

He writes, a new revolutionary field in biology is called epigenetics, control above genetics, reveals that genes are not destiny.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Finally, the last little one, I just love this for some reason. This is Mark Cummings. This is about zero-point. This is our favorite. Mark Cummings writes:

The fact is that by many estimates, there abides in one cubic centimeter of empty space, an amount of energy greater than the total amount of energy contained or expressed in all the matter of the known universe. This energy is called zero-point energy. Because it was discovered that even at or around absolute zero, which is, by definition, the temperature where all thermal motion is supposed to cease, there was and still is irreducible motion, which was clearly non-thermal in nature.

Here is the key line:

We are immersed in a Field of infinite energy density, in the guise of what appears to be empty space. Space is highly potentiated, energetic medium, shining with vast luminous force, and shimmering with intrinsic sentience. Solid footing to a fundamentally abundance-based worldview, which is a much needed antidote to the scourge of nihilistic materialism.

What is new is what comes through spirit technology.

Let’s be fierce in our willingness to become new: We are the possibility of possibility.

Interiors and exteriors are one: Newness begins with your own transformation

Dr. Marc Gafni

Let’s pick it up as these messages come together. The words are one. There are no obstacles. All obstacles are melted away. The word is good.

Let us feel into this. What have we done?

Ray Kurzweil makes such a huge contribution. Let’s hold his beautiful truth, but his truth is true but partial. Because what Kurzweil, who is so awesome and we should have him as a guest here, did is he externalized transformation. He externalized newness to the technological world.

His cousin, Arthur, is also a great thinker. Arthur Kurzweil is a great publisher of books, the editor-in-chief of Jason Aronson.

Do you see what happened? In other words, in evolution…

— the evolution of new visions of love,
— the evolution of new visions of obligation,
— the evolution of interiority,
— the evolution of God,

… has, in some sense, stalled.

For most of the world, the vision of God is three levels of consciousness. Back in the 16th century — can you imagine if you went to a doctor today, and the doctor said, let me do a little bloodletting, let me put some leeches on you, and I’ll charge your health insurance. Oh, my God! You would file for malpractice insurance in one second. We don’t allow medicine to be four centuries old because it has got to be new.

Somehow, our vision of Spirit is four centuries old for most people. God is not evolving. We have exiled evolution to technology.

What we are now saying is exactly the last beautiful citation that Barbara brought to bear —

  • Interiors and exteriors are one.
  • There is no split between the animate, the inside and the outside, the animate and the inanimate.
  • It is sentience all the way up and all the way down.
  • The whole world is allurement, all the way up and all the way down.

We need a power of interiors commensurate to the power of exteriors. We need a newness to transform our very cells, but that is not going to happen merely through technology. Transformation will happen through interior and exterior technology meeting in the bliss of the eschaton.

We need a newness on the inside commensurate with the newness on the outside.

I want to give us a simple practice. There was a great master, Israel of Salanter, and he said:

When I was young, I wanted to make the whole world new. I wanted to change the whole world. When I got older, the whole world was too much. I’ll change my country. I got a little older, that was too much. I’m going to change to make my city new, that was too much. I got a little older, he said, maybe my neighborhood and my family. He said now, I just want to do one new thing, I want to change one thing in myself before I pass.

Newness begins with my own transformation.

Newness means,

— Am I willing to call someone today that I’ve been in a clash with for 20 years?
— Am I willing to give up being right?
— Am I willing to reach out to people who I’ve let go?
— Am I willing to call my mother who I haven’t called for seven years?
— Am I willing to reach out to an estranged partner, who had changed the locks on the house and sued and I am locked in an argument with?

Will I let newness, a new heart, a new heaven, a new Earth, enter in?

The only way we are going to create a new world and create a singularity equal to our power and equal to our love is if we become new.

The cellphone, which is an extension of our body, has to be invested with Love, with Outrageous Love.

Not ordinary love. Ordinary love, remember, is a strategy of ego.

Outrageous Love is the love that is the heart of existence itself, that loves every moment open into a new possibility.

The only heresy in the entire world is that there is an extra person and an extra moment.
There is no extra person.
No one is extra on the set.
There is no extra moment.
Every moment is here to birth something, undeniably new.
God is the possibility of possibility.
God is an Outrageous Lover.

It is Outrageous Love that births Reality into existence.

We live in a world of outrageous pain. That is the sutra. And, the only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love.

As divine miniatures, as participants in Divine, as the new Christ, we are the possibility of possibility.

I am going to curse at church, I apologize for it in advance. But if you think you can talk about newness from today till tomorrow, and you can write about newness, if we think we can talk about newness, but not become new ourselves, we are full of shit. I apologize for the expression.

Becoming new means —

  • finding the place that is hard.
  • Forgiving who you did not want to forgive.
  • Stepping into a possibility for your life that you are afraid to because you are afraid of your greatness.

We need your greatness. Reality needs your greatness. Oh my God!

I am going to tell you one last thing, something completely crazy. You know, when a person gets married in the mystical Hebrew tradition the day that you get married is called the Day of Atonement. You fast on that day and you forgive everyone before you get married.

You know why? Because friends, if you hate one person in your heart, you can’t create. If you hate another person in your heart, then you shut down another part of yourself. Let go of our hatreds. Do not be naive, tie our camel to a post, but…

Let’s be fierce in our love.
Let’s be fierce in our willingness to become new.
Let’s be fierce in the possibility of possibility.

Let’s be fierce in our commitment to creating an Evolutionary Church, in which we are willing to be evangelicals bringing the good news. Let’s be fierce in forgiveness.

I always say every week, forgive Barbara and I. We are both imperfect vessels for the light. We are all imperfect vessels for the light. But all of us are willing to sit with anyone and make it new.

And you know what? The people we need to sit with and make it new, are the people that we think it is impossible to sit with. I want to say, on my behalf, I am willing to sit with anyone in the world, anywhere in the world, no exceptions, and make it new. I am willing to give up being right about anything that I think I am right about.

Let’s check the facts.
Let’s check the evidence.
Let’s check the information.
Let’s check it all together.
Let’s all give up being right together.

I am willing to commit with Barbara and our holy partners all the way.
Let’s be wholemates all the way in this lifetime.
Let’s create a new Reality.
Let’s create heaven on Earth.
This is the time, the possibility of possibility.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
God needs our service. God is waiting for us.

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Evolutionary Spirituality | One Mountain Many Paths



Dr. Marc Gafni
Office for the Future

Author, Visionary Philosopher, Evolutionary Mystic, Social Innovator, and the President of the Center for Integral Wisdom. http://www.marcgafni.com