Adding Bookmarks and creating hyperlinks within Microsoft Word 2016

Wreck This Journal
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2 min readAug 7, 2018 — The Links dialog box lists all of the links in the active Word document. To select multiple links, click once on the first link, press Ctrl, and then click once on each of the other links that you want to edit. You can even create links to its keyword as well. There are no barriers on the number of links you create in a word document.

Inserting hyperlink in a word document

Save the Word document at the desired location.

Then highlight the text on which you want to create a hyperlink or simply click at the position in the document then hit the link from links dialog box.

Write the text to be emphasized as a hyperlink. Then attach the web link in Address Bar to the emphasized or written text.

Click on ok now emphasized text or written text will be visible in the document as a hyperlink at the desired position.

Inserting bookmark in a Word document

The bookmark is a very useful tool to be utilized in lengthy documents. You can insert the bookmark from within the links group on the Insert tab within Word 2016.

Select the text first on which you want to create a bookmark. Bookmark tab.

Drive through Links tab and hit bookmark there. Enter a particular name for your bookmark. Hit ok.

Now go to hyperlink tab again select your bookmark there and paste it at the desired location.

The hyperlink created through bookmark will take you to the text selected on which bookmark was created.

Adding online media to the document

Media tab embeds video media in a word document as video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point.

When you click Online Video, you can paste in the embed code for the video you want to add.

You can also type a keyword to search online for the video that best fits your document.

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