Joan Jonas on The Wattis Institute’s Mind
We are big fans of The Artist’s Institute‘s programmatic focus on a single artist, so we were thrilled to follow the Joan Jonas programming at The Wattis Institute, initiated by Anthony Huberman.
On Oracles & Beginnings: Some Reflections of the Art of Joan Jonas by Marina Warner
Jonas and Her Precursors by Jordan Kantor
Helen of Las Vegas, The War Today by Patricia Maloney
EPILOGUE: YOGAFLOGOGO by Olivia Mole, Ranu Mukherjee, and Jacqueline Francis
The recorded instrument by Jamie Stevens
The First Time I Became Another by Susan Gervirtz & Jeanne C. Finley
Drawing and Joan Jonas: Material or Immaterial? by Elizabeth Mangini
Photos, audio, and essays are courtesy of The Wattis Institute, San Francisco
(Originally published on August 7th, 2015)