Essential office supplies for Teachers


With only the Summer term to get through and the release of the 2014/2015 Academic Diaries, it’s time for Teachers or Trainee Teachers to start thinking about their stationery needs for the next academic year.

As any Teacher will tell you, being super organised is essential for any good teacher. Whether you’re a naturally well organised person or not, there are certain items that will be essential for your teaching year.

Academic Diary

A decent academic diary (or even diaries) will be invaluable. Which one(s) you choose will depend on how you intend to use it. You may prefer to keep your week to view/month to view appointments in an online format. The main problem with that is that you may not have access to your laptop/pc/phone at every moment throughout the day. In fact, because of safeguarding issues, Teachers having mobile phones in the classroom is actively discouraged. It may therefore be worth buying a small/pocket sized week to view to jot down appointments as they arise. These can then be transferred onto a computerised diary later.

In addition, a large A4 page a day desk diary is vital for Teachers and Trainees. It’s useful for writing in all of your assignment deadlines but also for writing a list of things you need to do at school first thing in the morning when you get in, before your day of teaching. These normally come into your head whilst your lying in bed at 11pm the night before! These diaries can contain your appointments and your To Do lists in one.

Lever Arch Files and Plastic Wallets

With so much paperwork to deal with and information sheets to retain, Lever Arch files and Plastic Wallets will be a lifesaver. If you’re a Primary School teacher, consider a file for each subject (perhaps in different colours) plus extra ones for CPD/Assignments and other admin (health & safety, Safeguarding etc.). File paperwork as you go along otherwise you risk being drowned in papers by Christmas!

Invest in plenty of A4 plastic wallets for keeping together each lesson plan, resources and evaluations. Don’t forget the labels and Sharpie to label them up.


Buy the best printer you can afford — a laser printer will be quicker at printing off 30 handouts at 7.45 am when you realise you’ve forgotten to do them the night before! Consider the price of ink cartridges and stock up whilst they’re on special offer. A black & white printer may be sufficient for most of your needs. Consider using coloured paper to keep things interesting.

Similarly, investing in a scanner (or a printer with an inbuilt scanner) and possibly a laminator will mean a lot more lesson planning and preparation can be done at home.

Memory sticks for transferring work done at school to home and vice versa are essential. And make sure you run regular back ups!

Pens. Pens And more pens!

Buy more than you think you’ll need. You’ll leave them in classrooms. In the staff room. Let TA’s or pupils “borrow them” and never see them again. You need a few “good” writing pens and plenty of marking pens (including the essential red and green ones!). Highlighters and Whiteboard pens (and erasers) are also invaluable.

General Stationery items

Make sure you have a decent supply of paper clips, elastic bands, a stapler, a hole punch and a vast array of Post It Notes. I make no secret of my love of post it notes — for any profession — but they are invaluable for teachers. An impromptu note to a parent in a book bag? Notes to yourself on lesson plans? A “fun” resource for actually teaching even (hand out Post-It notes to pupils and let them write an “anonymous” question about a subject area for you to answer to the whole class. Ticks lots of OFSTED boxes — pupil led teaching, high levels of interaction, inclusion for all pupils, active learning etc. — you know the drill!).

Something to carry it all in….

As most teachers will know, carting the relevant paperwork, laptop and other office supplies to and from school (and even between classrooms) can be a drag. Consider investing in a decent bag (or bags) to cart stuff around in style. A wheeled bag might even save your back and your feet!

The last thing any teacher wants to do is spend their precious free time traipsing around shops getting all these essential items.

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