Rediscovering the beauty and pleasures of hand writing


Okay techies and gadget freaks, got an interesting question for you: when was the last time you wrote someone a heartfelt message by hand or received the same? On a physical card, postcard, or scented paper perhaps?

As for me, it’s been years. Just thinking about it brings back nostalgic feelings of being thrilled over sending a postcard to a friend wishing he was with me to share my travels, or the excitement of receiving a scented love note from a past lover.

Come to think of it, wouldn’t you like it more if you read the intricate script a loved one’s handwriting, imagining them smiling or thinking deeply as they hold a pen and write down their thoughts on a paper you can keep instead of receiving a tweet or being tagged in a status update that can easily be buried in the mountain of posts on your Timeline?

The deep personal touch of the former suggests you are important enough for a person to spend some time (something a lot of us feel we don’t have enough of these days!) composing a message for rather than being sent an e-card or tagged in a mass greeting along with 20 other “friends” — a task that one can easily delegate to a secretary or assistant.

So why not surprise an old friend you haven’t seen or talked to in years with a quick postcard saying “hello” and asking to reconnect with, or post a thank you note in appreciation of the grandmother or aunt that’s been consistently sending you gifts of knitted socks and sweaters or baked pies for Christmas?

While you’re at it, practise your handwriting and be pleased at your new achievement. Just think about how many people today have barely legible scrawls because of too much reliance on word processors and electronic keypads. Granted, there is no ‘backspace’ or ‘delete’ option for handwriting (erasures just don’t look good on paper), so the message you hand write is bound to reflect your true feelings and thoughts.

And if you can never find a pen when you need one, then take advantage of our promotion on Papermate Inkjoy pens. To see our full range of pens visit

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