Real Managers: Trials & Triumphs

Alison Robins
2 min readAug 5, 2019


This piece was originally sent to the Officevibe community via our newsletter on July 31, 2019.

We share a lot of content to help you become the best manager you can be — keeping your team aligned, setting clear goals, dealing with conflict, and helping your employees grow and develop.

This week, we go straight to the source and chat with a real manager to learn about the real — and very human — experience of having one of the most challenging jobs around.

Stephanie LeBlanc, a seasoned manager, shares her best management tips and most vulnerable sentiments about her role:

“Finding the balance between being a present mom and having a fulfilling career has made me a better manager.”

Stephanie LeBlanc, Director of Customer Experience, Officevibe
Management Years: 7
Employees: 17
Reading: Radical Candor
Superpower: Unwavering hustle and optimism

Manager Q&A

  1. What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
    Surpassing wildly ambitious objectives and overcoming challenges as a team, and then celebrating together!
  2. What’s the most difficult part about your job?
    Aligning a group and maintaining momentum to achieve goals. It’s not easy.
  3. Can you share one piece of advice for new managers?
    Find the balance between trusting your own instincts and seeking out diverse perspectives. Tools like Officevibe can really help compliment your managerial instincts by getting the human insights you wouldn’t otherwise get.
  4. How do you build trust between you and your team?
    Be present, listen actively and share constructive feedback in real time. Absolutely don’t wait for annual reviews!
  5. How do you manage disengaged or underperforming employees?
    The trick is to really get to know your employees and understand what keeps them engaged. What are their passions? What do they value in life? Then hold each other accountable to this.
  6. Best piece of management advice you’ve ever received?
    Listen and communicate with empathy and intention. It’s the gateway to success.
  7. What does people-first mean to you?
    At the core of every great achievement is a group of people that made it happen. Invest thoughtfully in your people and they will thrive!

💙 Connect with Stephanie on Linkedin and learn more about how she uses Officevibe to build trust on her team.

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Alison Robins

Content Strategist @Officevibe & Speaker. Thought Leadership and Future of Work are my brain food; chlorophyll my green energy.