How To Get To Heaven

Baptist Gazette
Baptist Gazette
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2021

The Bible Way To Heaven (English)
The Bible Way To Heaven (Spanish)

Given all of the craziness going on around the world right now, too many things that should be certain or reliable are now anything but. Despite all of the madness, there is still something you can be absolutely 100% certain about — and that is where you’ll be headed after your time ends here.

There are many people who have attempted to provide spiritual guidance and leadership, even in the early years of the world existing, but only one who claimed to be and proved to be deity — Jesus Christ.

He existed in the beginning with both God the Father and the Holy Ghost without an origin at any time. As part of God’s plan of salvation, the Father sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross on our behalf and for all of our sins with a physical, bodily resurrection taking place.

In light of this good news — great news, even — there remain false teachings out there about the biblical and true Jesus.

For instance, some say that Jesus was just a good teacher or an excellent prophet with moral stories and standards that still apply today without necessitating or incorporating a need for faith in anything specific.

Others will say that Jesus lost deity during His earthly ministry and had to eventually become like God through good works, ordinances, and total obedience.

You may even encounter those who will say that Jesus is the physical and spiritual brother of Lucifer, who volunteered to be in the place of Jesus but due to the wrong heart was denied his proposal by God the Father.

Depending on what corner of the world wide web you’re on, you are guaranteed to hear different things — so how can we know how to get to heaven?

In the book of 1 Corinthians and the 15th chapter, the apostle Paul outlines in plain language the biblical gospel and the importance of believing in Jesus “according to the scriptures.”

By this, he is saying that any description of Jesus Christ outside of what the Bible says about who He is is the wrong Jesus and therefore cannot save you.

So, if you believe Jesus had to be created or had to become God — that’s not the right Jesus.

If you believe that Jesus wants us all to become gods one day as a reward for our good works and due diligence — that’s not the right Jesus.

If Jesus was just a prophet without deity — that’s not the right Jesus.

In order to be saved, you must trust that Jesus Christ has eternally existed as the Son of God and came in the flesh without losing His deity. He died and rose again to pay the price for all of our sins (past, present, and future) and the atonement is applied once we place our faith in the finished work that Jesus did.

We cannot and will not work our way to heaven. The price for thinking that we can and not changing your mind regarding the truth and simplicity of the biblical gospel is a surprise on your judgment day when Jesus tells you “depart from Me, I never knew you.”

Don’t let that passage in Matthew 7:21–23 describe you.

Salvation is a completely free gift from God. All you have to do is trust what Jesus Christ did for you, according to the scriptures.

