Who are the participants in the HiveNet ecosystem?

Official HiveNet Blog
3 min readSep 19, 2019

HiveNet is taking the idea of cloud computing to the next level. Instead of building data centers, HiveNet uses the blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to create a distributed cloud computing network. This provides not only a great alternative for cloud customers, who need flexible computing solutions, but also for computer owners. They can use the HiveNet to earn money with their computer, when they wouldn’t use it.

By connecting the three essential participants, Customers, Providers and Stakers, HiveNet creates the next generation of cloud computing. Every participant contributes to and benefits from the HiveNet in a different way.

Essential participants


Customers can be companies, universities, public organizations or individuals, everyone who wants to benefit from the flexibility, reliability and cost-efficiency of cloud computing. HiveNet offers them a less expensive alternative to traditional cloud computing.


Providers can be private persons or companies. They employ their computers in the HiveNet when they are not using them, and thereby earn an extra income. While the computing power is utilized to perform various customer tasks, Providers are rewarded through a fair share of the customer payments. All that’s needed is a desktop PC or a laptop with access to the internet.


Stakers use the HiveNet client to have their computer act as a node. Due to the applied Proof-of-Stake proofing mechanism, acting as a node is very efficient and requires only very little computing power. Stakers are rewarded with block rewards of newly minted HiveCoins. Any HiveCoin owner, who has a computer with access to the internet can be a Staker.

Connections between the participants

The HiveNet offers the technological basis to connect the interests of these participants.

Customers request computing power from the HiveNet to perform a variety of tasks, for example complex calculations or the analysis of huge amounts of data. Their payments are transferred to Providers through the HiveNet Blockchain, which offers a lot of advantages: high speed transactions, high security and highest cost-efficiency.

To perform the customer tasks, a lot of computing power is necessary. This is provided by, the name implies it, providers. They download the HiveNet client and convert the idle time of their computers into an income by having them perform the before mentioned tasks. This is rewarded with a fair share of the customer payments.

The HiveNet Blockchain, which executes the huge number of micro-transactions, is secured by the Stakers. They use the HiveNet client, to have their computer act as a node. Therefore, they store a copy of the HiveNet Blockchain, supply this copy to other users and participate in the creation of new blocks. This is rewarded with newly minted HiveCoins, HiveNet’s very own cryptocurrency.

This kind of complex, yet easy-to-understand network gives a lot of people the opportunity to be a part of the HiveNet. Thereby not only a new kind of cloud computing is created, but the internet as a whole is becoming more democratized. This way, everyone has the chance to not just consume, but also participate and benefit in cloud computing.

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