HiveNet Alpha Released

Official HiveNet Blog
2 min readMar 4, 2020

Dear Community,

we hereby happily announce that HiveNet has reached its next major milestone!

We have just now released our current HiveNet client to the public and started HiveNet’s public alpha test. This means that you can now download and test our current software.

You can find the download at this LINK.

How does it work

We have prepared a quick guide and a manual to help you get started.

Using the HiveNet client, your computer will be connected to HiveNet’s test net. Your client software will then receive tasks, which are performed by your computer. For finished tasks, you receive test coins, which are visible in the client’s user interface.

Before onboarding first test customers for extensive testing of various use cases and applications, the supplied computing power on HiveNet’s test net will be used to support the GIMPS project in finding new prime numbers.

Minimum system requirements

  • Windows 10 or macOS (64-bit operating system)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 2 GB of free hard disk space
  • for further details see our quick guide
HiveNet Client (Win 10)

What is HiveNet?

HiveNet is a distributed cloud computing network, which enables computer owners anywhere in the world to securely rent out their idle computing resources for an income. Customers pay for these computing resources to perform their valuable tasks (e.g. big data analysis or complex calculations, like weather forecasting). Customer payments are forwarded to computer owners in fast and secure micro transactions of HiveCoins via the HiveNet Blockchain. HiveNet employs several measures to easily cash-out HiveCoin earnings, e.g. a HiveNet debit card. Allocation of tasks and validation of results are performed through an artificial intelligence, which ensures high efficiency and prevents fraudulent behavior.

HiveNet distributed cloud computing network

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