HiveNet’s Ecological Impact

Official HiveNet Blog
3 min readNov 19, 2019

How many hours per day are you actually using your computer? Most private and office computers are shut down most of the time without doing any computing. On the other hand, the demand for cloud computing and their computing centers is increasing at highest pace. Build-up of these computing centers consumes extreme amounts of resources, for example energy, plastic and rare-earth elements.

most electronic devices are underused for a few years before they turn into toxic electronic garbage

Responsible use of resources

The average lifespan of a consumer desktop PC in the United States is around 5.2 years [ref]. The average American spends 142.5 minutes daily in front of a PC [ref].

In most cases, this won’t even be the same computer, but different ones, e.g. one at work and one at home. Even if we pretend it was just one computer, then the average American’s computer would be used less than 10 % of the time.

By having the computer work on tasks in the HiveNet, the computer’s productivity is considerably increased. This way, we don’t just consume resources to build computers, but utilize them to their full potential and put these resources to a responsible use.

“More power than a medium-size town”

The build-up and maintaining of computing centers is consuming a lot of energy and resources. Reported by Peter Gross of The New York Times, who helped design hundreds of computing centers, “it’s staggering for most people, even people in the industry, to understand the numbers, the sheer size of these systems. A single computing center can take more power than a medium-size town.” However, most of this energy isn’t even used to perform computing. The consulting firm McKinsey & Company analyzed energy use by computing centers. On average, they were using only 6 % to 12 % of the electricity powering their servers to perform computations [ref]. The rest is used to keep servers idling and ready in case of a surge in activity that could slow or crash their operations.

HiveNet is the solution

The problem obviously is not that there wasn’t enough computing power available. The problem is that we don’t use, what we already have. Instead, huge computing centers are built all around the world. Scientists and developers are constantly looking for new ways to make these systems a little more efficient and improving their environmental footprint. However, these optimizations are mostly of little effect and don’t solve the main problem, which is poor allocation of computing resources.

Therefore, HiveNet is taking a different approach. Instead of investing billions of dollars into creating another computer or component that is marginally better, HiveNet is a disruptive game changer that makes use of the vast amount of already existing resources. This way, HiveNet fundamentally alters to the way we use our computers — with the potential to significantly lower the carbon footprint of a whole industry.

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