Introducing our Advisors: Tan Yinglan (Founding Managing Partner, Insignia Ventures Partners)

Official Rate3
Official Rate3
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2018

Our first advisor is Tan Yinglan (Young Global Leader @WEF, ex-Sequoia, ex- Kauffman Fellow, Harvard, Stanford, CMU alumnus)

At Rate3, we know how important it is to have trusted and knowledgeable advisors. This is why Rate3 is working with industry-leading advisors with real expertise in the fields of cryptocurrency, blockchain development, e-commerce, payments and venture capital.

Each post in this series will look at one of our advisors, their accomplishments and what they bring to the Rate3 network.

Today’s post looks at Tan Yinglan: His background, why he joined Rate3 and what he brings to the table.

A Wealth of Experiences

As a highly established venture capitalist, Yinglan has extensive experience in venture investing. He is currently the Founding Managing Director of Insignia Ventures Partners, technology venture fund focusing on Southeast Asia. Insignia recently closed its maiden fund. This strong opening places Insignia among the ranks of other leading venture capital platforms operating out of Southeast Asia.

Prior to founding Insignia Venture Partners, Yinglan was Sequoia Capital’s first hire and Venture Partner in Southeast Asia. He sourced multiple investment opportunities for Sequoia including Tokopedia, Go-jek, Traveloka, Carousell, Appier, Dailyhotel, Pinkoi and

Yinglan was also previously a member of the elite Singapore Administrative Service, where he served in a variety of positions in the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Defence.

Yinglan holds two Bachelor Degrees (Electrical Engineers/Economics) from Carnegie Mellon University and graduated top in his class, as the William L. Everitt scholar. He also received a Masters in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University, and completed post-graduate work at Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School under the WEF Young Global Leaders Executive Education program.

Yinglan with Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group

How Yinglan Contributes to Rate3

Leveraging on his extensive background in venture capital, government and startups, Yinglan offers Rate3 strategic advice on SEA market dynamics, business models, business development, product development and capital structure. In addition, his wide business networks ranging across ASEAN member states and industries are of tremendous help in connecting Rate3 to potential merchants and partners.

Yinglan’s vast background and strategic insights will help Rate3 take a step closer to re-inventing a world of payment without borders.

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