[Official] Rate3 Guide to Avoid Being Phished or Scammed

Davis Gay
Official Rate3
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2018

Today’s scammers are increasingly more elaborate in their tricks — from setting entirely new websites to creating new email address that mimic the original ones to constantly coming up with new tricks.

As Rate3 Network’s token sale approaches and Rate3 gains even more attention than before, it is recommended that you follow the 5 steps below:

Step 1: Install MetaCert extension

Cryptonite is a Chrome or Firefox extension that blocks phishing sites and fake social media accounts. When you visit a Crypto website or Crypto social media account verified by Metacert, the small MetaCert shield on the browser toolbar will turn from black to green, so you know with 100% certainty that you are safe:

Look for the green shield on any crypto sites!

Please report any sites that claims to be official Rate3 website but having a black shield to us at official@rate3.network!

Step 2: Bookmark all official Rate3 URLs and check the URLs you visit

Official URL: https://rate3.network

The link will open in a new tab, so visit it now, add it to your bookmarks, and come back. By adding it as a bookmark and only visiting us through that bookmark, you’re always going to end up on the correct site. You don’t want to type it in manually, make a typo, and end up on a fake site with a fake contribution address.

Step 3: Check the sender address for any emails you receive

The official email we use to send announcements is official@rate3.network.

The exception here is if you contact us and a member of our team replies, in which case make sure it comes from an @rate3.network or @ratex.co email address. Even then, we’ll never share a contribution address over email, even if your whitelist process is successful.

Step 4: There will only be one channel where we will share the contribution address: https://rate3.network

We will share all official instructions and the contribution address directly ONLY on the official domain rate3.network (not any variation like rate3-sale.network, rate3-token.io/discount, rate3.io, etc).

Don’t believe anyone who shares an Ethereum or Bitcoin contribution address to you in Telegram, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Email, or any other media site.

Step 5: If in doubt, please email us directly at official@rate3.network

Please do email us at official@rate3.network for any queries. Scammers might spoof our emails, but they will never be able to receive the emails on our behalf. If something feels too good to be true, or you feel pressured to contribute to an address sent, do contact us!

Do follow the 5 steps above: download MetaCert, verify that it has a green shield on the browser on any crypto sites, check and re-check all URLs, email addresses and lastly, email us at official@rate3.network if in doubt!

Stay safe!

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