Presenting our #8 Investor: Matrix Partners China (经纬中国)

Official Rate3
Official Rate3
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2018

This is part of our Investor series, where we showcase our strategic investors.

Part 1: Signum Capital

Part 2: Spartan Group

Part 3: Kenetic

Part 4: Node Capital

Part 5: BKFUND

Part 6: Genesis Financials

Part 7: AlphaCoinFund

Part 8: Matrix Partners China

Stay tuned as we slowly unveil our strategic investors one by one!

We are proud to announce another of our investor and supporter: Matrix Partners China. Matrix Partners China will stand alongside AlphaCoinFund, Genesis Financials, BKFUND, Node Capital, Kenetic, Signum Capital, Spartan Group, Blockchain Ventures, Jun Capital Partners, Alpha JWC Ventures, Insignia Ventures Partners and CollinStar to support Rate3’s Mission.

Matrix Partners China builds long-term relationships with entrepreneurs and helps them build significant, industry-leading companies.

Since its inception in 1977, Matrix Partners US has made hundreds of investments and played an active role in the development of many successful businesses, 50 of which went on to IPO, and 75 of which have gone on to profitable M&A events. The firm consistently ranks in the top venture firms in terms of returns to its investors.

Matrix Partners China combines local knowledge with global experience and vision. Its team consists of both former entrepreneurs and experienced investors. Its past successes include Focus Media, Eachnet, and Baidu, among others. The company invests across multiple sectors and stages.

We are proud to work alongside Matrix Partners China to power a decentralised future.

About Rate3

Rate3 is a decentralised dual protocol for cross-chain asset tokenization and identity management. The Rate3 Tokenization Protocol is an end-to-end protocol for tokenization on both Ethereum and Stellar, while the Rate3 Identity Protocol is a protocol to create and manage a unified cross-chain identity.


