Rate3 Progress Update #4 (1–15 June)

Official Rate3
Official Rate3
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2018

The month of May has seen some exciting progress and we’re proud to showcase some of the updates we have for 1–15 June 2018.


1.1 Top 3 on Bibox! (15 June)

1.2 Token Unlock Delay

After a thorough discussion with the exchanges, community and investors, we have reached a joint agreement to temporarily delay our listing until we’ve reached a confirmed listing on a centralised exchange.

It is not an easy decision for us. We’ve talked to all our strategic investors, consulted our advisors and listened intently to the community. We’ve then assessed all possible alternatives and options.

To us, focusing on the quality of listing is way more important than the haste of listing. A delayed listing allows us to focus on more quality outreach and programs, which brings about a better listing experience for our beloved community.

Our upcoming exchange is Bibox. Pending liaison with Bibox and market conditions, we will be updating our community on the exact timing of release.


2.1 PayPal Pitch Fest 2018 (1 June)

Jake pitched about Rate3 in an exclusive invite-only PayPal Pitch Fest 2018, held in Singapore!

You can view the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inBPbuqg7r8

2.2 Rate3 Giveaway (5–12 June)

We also ran a week-long giveaway campaign, where the best sentence describing Rate3 wins exclusive Rate3 merchandise.

These are the winning sentences:

1ST: Rate3 has proven that blockchain technology could evict the so many problems e-commerce transactions face today with the implementation of instant cashback and best used identity securities. So glad I didn’t miss this wonderful project. Forever hodl for me!

2ND: Rate3 is a revolutionary cross-border payment system that disrupts the inefficient traditional industry

3RD: Rate3 is shopping gateway for martians. See you in space!

2.3 Changes to Honey program (New quests!)

We’ve improved Honey, you can access it in Mandarin or Korean now as well!

Some new quests for Honey:

  • Subscribe to official Reddit (r/Rate3)
  • Thumbs-up from admins in Telegram group (t.me/officialrate3)
  • Like/Retweet Bibox tweet (twitter.com/officialrate3)
  • Like/Retweet tweets up to 1 week ago

2.4 Meetings with GS Global and Korean CMs

Jake also met up with GS Global President & CEO, Saehong hyung on future blockchain applications for various financial services in South Korea.

GS Global is a Korea-based public company, specialised in export, import and triangular trade activities.

Whilst in South Korea, Jake also met up with our Korean CMs — Jasmine and Haemin, who are helping us with our Kakao group!


In June, we started announcing our #InvestorSeries more actively, and this is a continued list of investors:

3.1 #6 Investor: Genesis Financials & Fenbushi Capital

We’re proud to welcome Bo Shen, Founder of Fenbushi Capital as an advisor to Rate3!

3.2 #7 Investor: AlphaCoinFund

3.3 #8 Investor: Matrix Partners China (经纬中国)

3.4 #9 Investor: ShuangHua Capital (双华资本)

3.5 #10 Investor: Nirvana Capital

3.6 #11 Investor: Hash Capital (哈希资本)

3.7 #12 Investor: PreAngel Fund


The next half of June is another exciting one, with more updates, roadshows, events and activities planned! Here are some of them:

4.1 AMA with Jake, CEO of Rate3! (21 June)

We’ll be holding an AMA session with Jake on 21 June!

Here’s how you can participate:

(1) Ask questions on Telegram (@OfficialRate3) with #Rate3AMA

(2) Tweet at us ((@OfficialRate3), with #Rate3AMA

4.2 Stellar meetup (21 June)

Join us for a meetup with #Stellar and #Chynge on 21 June in Singapore! Some of the topics covered will be a technical introduction to Stellar, project introduction of Rate3 and Chynge.

4.3 Blockchain Open Forum (Seoul, South Korea, 28–29 June)

We’ll also be heading down to Korea for Blockchain Open Forum on 28–29 June. Some of the highlighted speakers are Tim Draper from DFJ, Ella from Binance Labs, Emi from Ripple. Jake will be doing a presentation about Rate3.

That’s it for the first half of June — stay tuned for more updates!

About Rate3

Rate3 is a decentralised dual protocol for cross-chain asset tokenization and identity management. The Rate3 Tokenization Protocol is an end-to-end protocol for tokenization on both Ethereum and Stellar, while the Rate3 Identity Protocol is a protocol to create and manage a unified cross-chain identity.

Website: https://rate3.network
Twitter: https://twitter.com/officialrate3
Telegram: https://t.me/officialrate3

