Rate3 Roadmap Update

Official Rate3
Official Rate3
Published in
7 min readSep 5, 2018

What is this Roadmap Update about?

We want to present a visual overview of our progress to date, and upcoming roadmap plans for Rate3. Internally, it helps to keep the engineering and product team aligned on development work. Externally, the community will know how everything fits perfectly into the grand vision for Rate3.

We have a Github repository as well, so developers can check out the open-source code and actual workflow too.

Understanding the Roadmap

There are three parallel roadmap tracks:

1) Blockchain Infrastructure;

2) Decentralised Applications;

3) Ecosystem Adoption

‘Blockchain Infrastructure’ refer to the core Rate3 blockchain protocols, including all the core components in Testnet and Mainnet. ‘Decentralised Applications’ refer to specific dApps or business units we spin off, or you can think of them as new independent products. ‘Ecosystem Adoption’ refer to the applications and tools we are building to help the Stellar/Ethereum ecosystem.

Clearly, all three roadmap tracks are not independent of each other. For instance, various dApps we build and spin off will utilise the Rate3 protocols, and various Rate3 interfaces will be modified to make them more generic and flexible for ecosystem adoption. We try to illustrate how different roadmap tracks intersect and co-depend on each other as well.

It is most important to note that this provides a visual guide, but milestones do change frequently in reality. We are constantly monitoring the progress of other projects as well, and we are reliant on real life updates. This roadmap update is a dynamic progress.

Q4 2018: “GENESIS”

1.1 Testnet v0.1 — “Proteus”

Under the Blockchain Infrastructure track

Our testnet v0.1 “Proteus” is currently live with two out of five prototypes. In this “Proteus” testnet stage, we aim to use lightweight prototypes to demonstrate feasibility of various ideas surrounding Rate3 Protocol.

All the components include:

  • IPFS Prototype: Encrypted, decentralised file storage
  • Tokenization Prototype: Minting and burning of tokens
  • Identity Prototype: Public on-chain identity verification claims
  • Token Swap Prototype: initiate token swap between Ethereum tokens and Stellar assets
  • Stellar Bridge: Cross-chain identity, Federation Protocol and Compliance Protocol

1.2 Crypto Wallet — “Polaris”

Under the Decentralised Applications track

Our current live product, RateX will offer crypto functionalities. To make usage of crypto more mainstream, we will utilize crypto cashback in RateX. This means that for certain purchases, you would get instant cash back in crypto.

The key product features include:

  • Integration with partner affiliate networks
  • Tracking Portal User Interface
  • Payout Integration with various Blockchain Networks

1.3 Network Interface Applications

Ecosystem Adoption

In this phase, we are building on top of our proof-of-concepts in Testnet v0.1 Proteus. These are user interfaces to Rate3 features on Ethereum and Stellar, with continuous improvements and integrations with Rate3 protocols.

The primary use is for the public to try out testnet features. We also encourage businesses and developers to build on top of our open-source interfaces for integration.

The specific components include:

  • Trustee Interface: Approval and finalization of mint and burn
  • Beneficiary Interface: KYC, accounts and tokens management
  • Token Swap Interface: Initiate token swap between Ethereum and Stellar
  • Stellar Bridge Interface: Linking Stellar addresses, Stellar node details

Q1 2019: “NEBULA”

2.1 Testnet v0.2 — “Corvus”

Blockchain Infrastructure

The second phase, “Corvus” is an internal testnet for the Rate3 engineering team. Having built several the core modular prototypes (IPFS, Tokenization, Identity, Token Swap, Stellar-Bridge), we will look to integrate these modular prototypes into a basic testnet.

Key Features include:

  • Integration of POCs to an internal testnet
  • Proteus PoCs will remain as simple demonstration tools
  • Active development on Corvus and interface apps
  • Basic implementation of Rate3 protocols

2.2 Crypto Giftcards — “Gamma”

Decentralised Applications

We will be doing more integration of different cryptocurrencies, and using this as a way to introduce more mainstream usage of cryptocurrencies.

Specific components include:

  • 3rd-Party Integration with gift card neworks;
  • POC of payment for with RTE & various other ERC-20 tokens
  • Product beta launch in USA, Canada & SEA

2.3 Rate3 Blockchain Explorer — “Eden

Ecosystem Adoption

We will be creating a Rate3 Blockchain Explorer, “Eden”. “Eden” is like an Etherscan for Rate3. Like Etherscan, anyone can use Eden to view cross-chain identity information, specifically the issued identity claims and identity claims issued. Issuers can view the minting and burning of assets, or locked assets through token swap. Lastly, other network statistics will be shown as well.

Specific components include:

  • Identity (Explorer)
  • Token Swap (Explorer)
  • Network Statistics (Explorer)

Q2 2019: “PROTO-STAR”

3.1 Testnet v0.3 — “Lyra”

Blockchain Infrastructure

Lyra” is the alpha release stage, where all the interface apps in the previous phases are updated. This is a formal public release of Rate3 Protocols, with the main purpose of gathering public feedback. At this stage, we open alpha access for selected institutions and businesses to do trials.

Specific components include:

  • Formal public release of end-to-end Rate3 Protocol
  • Frequent feature release/changes
  • Open access to selected enterprises for trial tests
  • Early test integration with partners

3.2 Browser Extension Wallet — “Ether-Stellar”

Ecosystem Adoption

Whilst the Ethereum ecosystem is strong, the Stellar ecosystem is not as robust yet. We will be building a bridge between the browser, Ethereum and Stellar in the form of a browser extension wallet. Analogous to MetaMask, “Ether-Stellar” wallet will have both Ethereum and Stellar account management features, as well as transaction signing and a token swap functionality. We believe this extension wallet will help to increase accessibility and adoption for the Stellar ecosystem.

Specific components include:

  • Bridge between browser, Ethereum and Stellar
  • Ethereum and Stellar account management
  • Ethereum and Stellar transaction signing
  • Generic token swap

Q3 2019: “FUSION”

4.1 Testnet v0.4 — “Orion”

Blockchain Infrastructure

Building upon the results of the previous alpha testnet “Lyra”, beta Testnet v0.4 — “Orion”, builds upon the feedback provided by community and partners. Key focus for “Orion” is on feature stability.

Specific components include:

  • Feature stability
  • Improvements based on community and partners feedback
  • Interface apps updated to Orion

4.2 Merchant SDK — Testnet

Decentralised Applications

We would love to let other platforms & projects use crypto like we do as well. Hence we would be launching a beta version of the SDK behind our products such as RateX to allow for other products to accept SGDR, as well as other cryptocurrency as payment.

At the same time, we would be continuously gathering feedback and improving the SDK.

Specific components:

  • User Interface for APIs & integration documentation
  • Multi-blockchain monitoring & event handling

4.3 Mobile Wallet — “Ether-Stellar”

This is similar to the “Ether-Stellar” browser extension, but released in both iOS and Android. We will be including various fiat tokenizers in the wallet as well.

All the components include:

  • Bridge between mobile, Ethereum and Stellar
  • Ethereum and Stellar account management
  • Ethereum and Stellar transaction signing
  • Generic token swap


5.1 Testnet v0.5- “Sirius”

Blockchain Infrastructure

“Sirius” is the last preparatory stage before launching mainnet. As a release candidate, the team will be preparing for production. We aim to complete all documentation and minor code changes, in preparation for first mainnet launch.

Specific components include:

  • Release Candidate
  • Preparation for production
  • Release complete for first mainnet launch.
  • Documentation, minor code changes

5.2 Merchant SDK [Mainnet]

Decentralised Applications

After a successful Beta launch of our Merchant SDK, our team would love to accelerate and launch this to production to reach the masses.

All the components include:

  • All features in the Beta Merchant SDK
  • Expand to include even more different blockchains.
  • Various improvements from continuous feedback from Beta

Q1 2020: “SUPERNOVA”

6.1 Mainnet v1.0 — “Sigma”

Blockchain Infrastructure

While supernova is technically the end of a star, it signify a beginning of a new journey as we will continue to review public proposals and issues reported and improve the network. This mainnet stage is production-ready, with enterprises and users using the Rate3 protocols.

