8 ways to improve your chapter’s social media impact

Chantry Carroll
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Official)
5 min readJun 9, 2016

Every year, vice presidents of communications attend Carlson and ask the same questions: What can our chapter do better on social media? How do we get @officialsigep to engage with our account? What do our brothers want to see more of?

These are great questions! As a leader in the chapter, you can ask yourselves these questions and continue to challenge yourself to improve. Here are some easy ways you can improve your chapter’s social media in order to better engage your audience.

1. Brand your social media accounts.

When looking at your social media usernames remember who your key audiences are. Incoming freshmen, university administrators and parents don’t know what “Wisconsin Zeta” means. Changing your username to make it more easily searchable can go a long way.

Co-brand SigEp with your university.

For example: The Loras College chapter could establish their usernames and handles as @LorasSigEp. As a result their social media links would all end in .com/lorassigep and generally make it easier to find for potential new members as well as others.

2. Update your profile pictures.

Your profile picture could be part of the SigEp brand. Again, think about your key audiences and ask yourself what they’d recognize the most.

Do these photos represent the SigEp brand? Not really.

Match the SigEp brand and use something that’s more powerful and recognizable.

The official SigEp logo is your best option.

3. Write a powerful bio.

SigEp is the premier student organization for Building Balanced Men. | A Valued Partner in Higher Education.® | Building values-based leaders.

Your bio could explain to your audience who you are and what you do. This is your opportunity to mention more details. Here’s an example of a strong chapter bio:

The @officialsigep Georgia Delta Chapter @universityofga. | A Valued Partner in Higher Education.® | Then include a recent accomplishment or a stat about your chapter. i.e. 2016 Fraternity of the Year.

Remember, consider your key audiences: potential new members, university administrators, parents and fellow students. A strong, branded bio like this will speak volumes to them.

SIDE NOTE: You could also edit your location, link and “birthday” on your accounts. Link your audience to your chapter’s website. Don’t have one? Link them to sigep.org. Set your “birthday” to your chapter’s chartering date.

4. Use SigEp hashtags and/or tag @officialsigep.

If you want Headquarters, other chapters and brothers to see your content, use the hashtags that they monitor and/or tag @officialsigep. Here are the top hashtags our brothers use:
#SigEpsAbroad or #SigEpJourneys

5. Live the Ritual … don’t Tweet about it.

SigEps know that fraternity, when done right, can be life-changing. Together, we can show the world what we actually stand for. However, let’s not post things, especially three letters, from the Ritual.

Instead, talk about your chapter’s accomplishments and your brothers’ experiences. Model the way for what living the Ritual looks like. Focus on your leadership development, academic success and impact on campus and in the community.

6. Avoid Total Frat Move.

Seriously? You’re going to engage an organization that says this about our Fraternity?

TFM is not an account you should be engaging with. While TFM may appear to be entertaining, its content goes against our Cardinal Principles and the philosophy of the Balanced Man Program.

TFM advocates for exactly the opposite of what we stand for.

TFM continues to instill negative fraternity stereotypes across America and photos of SigEps on TFM continues to further stereotypes and damage our brand. Stop tagging them and sending them photos or using #TFM.

7. Be topical.

You have to know the new trends and know how to utilize it for your purposes.

“There is merit in making your content topical; it can be a solid strategy for increasing the reach and awareness of your brand and company — but it has to be balanced.” — Social Media Today

Don’t force it (pun fully intended). If you have an opportunity that will help spark engagement, go for it. If you have to think about it more than a minute, let it go.

8. Recognize your social media brand matters.

Social media is one of the most powerful tools for sharing information. It’s easy to use, and it’s always on.

You have the ability impact the chapter’s brand and your key audiences through social media. Your chapter’s social media could reach potential new members, parents and university staff either positively or negatively, the choice is yours. That’s why it’s your responsibility to ensure that your content appropriately represents SigEp.

“Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.” — Amy Jo Martin

Everything you post is permanent. You have the opportunity to increase awareness about your chapter and help others understand the ideals that make SigEp stand apart from the rest of the fraternity world.

Post wisely, brothers, and remember the impact that you are making with your chapter’s social media.

Interested in learning more? Check out SigEp’s Vice President of Communications Guide and resources.

— Chantry Carroll, Murray State ’17



Chantry Carroll
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Official)

Murray State University | Sigma Phi Epsilon | St. Marc, Haiti |