An open letter to SigEp’s new members

Chris Glaittli
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Official)
3 min readSep 7, 2016

Dear Brother,

Your decision to join SigEp is one of the most important decisions you’ve ever made. You just may not know it yet … and that is totally okay.

When I joined SigEp, I only knew two things:

  • SigEps are values-based leaders and fun to be around.
  • My parents and I never planned or imagined that I would join a fraternity.

What I didn’t know was that:

SigEp would transform my college experience.

Over the course of three years with SigEp, I:

Attended two leadership conferences. The first one was the Carlson Leadership Academy. I was representing our vice president of recruitment and it was also one of the most challenging and mind-blowing experiences in my college career. That was until I was accepted into the Ruck Leadership Institute where I went to Richmond, Virginia, (home and headquarters for our Fraternity) and spent four days with some of the most amazing men I have ever met.

Became the Greek liaison for my chapter to the Greek council on campus. At the university I go to, the Greek life there is not as big as some of yours but what we lack in numbers we make up for in community and support. Being the liaison, I was able to meet, plan, and talk about how the Greek community was doing as a whole and how to continue being one of the best organizations on campus.

Volunteered hundreds of hours for nonprofits and events. It was fairly easy to give some time during the school week to help others in need. Between my brothers always seeking opportunities for service, the entire Greek community focusing hard on the different philanthropies they represent and provide numerous opportunities to help out. One of the things I love about being Greek is that we don’t just mindlessly do service. Everything we do is because all of us fully believe in the cause and that is the difference between philanthropy and service-learning. Being Greek not only improves someone else’s life but your own as well.

Had leadership opportunities. I led my chapter’s recruitment team and found amazing guys, like yourself, to join and become a brother of this great Fraternity.

Knowing what I do now and having experienced SigEp, I can honestly say …

I am happy that you joined SigEp.

If you’re nervous about the journey that lies ahead, that’s fine. No great adventure ever started with the hero being 100% confident in what he or she was about to embark on.

As you begin your SigEp Journey, here are some expectations you should have:

  • You will have to be honest and hold your brothers accountable. This is a key part of our cardinal principles. In order to be the best student organization on campus, we have to hold ourselves to higher standards. This is Virtue.
  • You will have to work hard. It’s not going to be easy. Easy is not what SigEp is about. Challenging our mind and our body is what makes us Balanced Men and you will figure that out soon. You will have to commit yourself to the full SigEp experience. This is Diligence.
  • You will have the opportunity to interact with brothers from all walks of life and expand your horizons beyond what you currently know. You have the opportunity to impact them and those on your campus and in your community. When done right … This is Brotherly Love.

You have been given a key that can unlock so many doors for you whatever path you are on. I am proud to call you brother and hope to meet you at one of our leadership events.

Virtue, Diligence and Brotherly Love,




Chris Glaittli
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Official)

Utah State University. Senior. SigEp. Pizza Con·nois·seur. Future Editor-In-Chief of GQ.