END OF ALOHA EVENT — A reminder to take care of your assets

Sunny Side Up
2 min readAug 25, 2022
Please manage your assets ASAP

Dear Sunny Side Up Community,

The ALOHA Event will soon be wrapping up. We would like to provide some more time for community members to manage their assets and will not be closing yet. We will announce an official date later with plenty of time in advance before the official closing date. We recommend you prepare and manage your assets for closing in advance.

⚠️ To prepare for closing, please take note of these important changes made as they will provide guidance and help you manage your assets:

1. Convert SSU to USDC

On the Farm page, we have added a component box for you to convert your SSU to be claimed for USDC. The price of SSU is set to $0.00011. (Note: The price of conversion for SSU to USDC is set. The price will not change or be adjusted).

** We recommend converting at least a minimum of 1 SSU when completing the SSU to USDC conversion transaction.

2. Staking feature removed

We have removed Staking on the platform. You can still Unstake if needed until closing.

3. Adding Liquidity feature removed

We have removed the feature to Add Liquidity. You are still able to check your remaining LP tokens on our platforms until closing. If you need to resolve LP tokens, you can resolve them on our platform. However, if you run into technical issues please go to Raydium (raydium.io) to complete this action. Sunny Side Up LP tokens are the same in definition as Raydium LP tokens.

4. No more Depositing in Pools

Depositing into pools has been disabled. You will still be able to Harvest and Withdraw until closing on the Farm page.

Once we take down the UI, you will no longer have access to our services.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any technical questions, please feel free to reach out to our team on Telegram.

- The Sunny Side Up Team


This communication has not been provided in consideration of any recipient’s financial needs. We have not conducted any financial assessment based on the personal circumstances of any recipients. All persons are encouraged to seek their own independent financial advice prior to taking any further action.

None of the Company, the Distributor, their respective affiliates, and/or the Sunny Side Up Team members shall be responsible for or held liable for the value of SSU, remaining/lost assets of any form on the Sunny Side Up web platform after closing, the transferability and/or liquidity of SSU and/or the availability of any market for SSU through third parties or otherwise prior and after closing.

