The 283 Epoch: SSU Pool Launch

Sunny Side Up
2 min readFeb 24, 2022

Aloha everyone! 🌴

📢 We are just about to wrap up our Aloha Welcome Event. Thank you to all who participated.

The 283 epoch will begin shortly and it is going to be a very exciting epoch :)

We will open up the SSU Pool when the 283 epoch starts and there are two options to claim your SSU rewards. Remember, you must deposit your AHA tokens to receive your rewards. This is not an automatic reward system!

Option 1 : Linear distribution

You will receive SSU tokens distributed in proportion to the amount you hold for 180 days from the time the SSU distribution begins. For 180 days, the 1:1 ratio for AHA and SSU will be upheld. SSU rewards are distributed linearly according to the amount you deposit.

🔅 An example of how it works:
If you deposited 1800 AHA, you will earn 10 SSU for 180 days. The amount you deposit determines how much you receive. Don’t be late to deposit!

⚠️ Things to keep in mind:

- Linear distribution pool lasts for 180 days
- No prior compensation can be claimed after the start of 284 Epoch. You must deposit during the 283 epoch to receive the full 180-day linear distribution.
- Once you participate and deposit in the Linear Distribution Pool, you cannot reverse your stake (you will not be able to unstake/withdraw your deposit).

Option 2 : SSU Auction

For the auction, the exchange ratio starts at 50% and adjusts based on the amount of deposited AHA. 5,000,000 (5million) SSU will be allocated to the SSU auction pool.

⚠️ Things to keep in mind:

- You can participate in the auction during the 283 epoch only.
- You can claim SSU rewards during 284 epoch.
- Once you participate and deposit in the auction, you cannot reverse your stake (you will not be able to unstake/withdraw AHA from the SSU Auction pool).

💬 Further details can be found here: The 283 epoch and after

If you have more questions, as always, please connect with our community and leaders in our telegram channels!

📢 Be sure to tune into our Telegram:


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Disclaimer: The content of this communication is not financial advice and should not be relied on by any persons as financial advice. This communication has not been provided in consideration of any recipient’s financial needs. We have not conducted any financial assessment based on the personal circumstances of any recipients. All persons are encouraged to seek their own independent financial advice prior to taking any further action.

