Bringing Uber Freight Technology to Fleets

Uber Freight
Official Uber Freight Blog
2 min readJun 4, 2018

For carriers operating multiple trucks, managing their fleet is a full-time job

In an industry as unpredictable as trucking, managing every load for every driver is challenging, and finding the most productive way to get the job done is imperative to the success of the business. Every day, dispatchers juggle finding, assigning, booking, and overseeing loads for their drivers.

Uber Freight focuses on building the right tools and services that enable carriers and their drivers to find and book the freight they need. But for many carriers, a big part of keeping freight moving means putting that same technology in the hands of their dispatchers. Today, we are excited to launch fleet mode, a new tool within the Uber Freight app that empowers carriers with multiple trucks to manage their operations with ease.

How It Works

When logged in, carriers and their dispatchers can see a full list of their drivers, including important details like schedule and availability; they can also view all available Uber Freight loads. This insight allows the carrier and their dispatcher to manage every aspect of the load booking process for their entire fleet, without ever leaving the Uber Freight app. Dispatchers can also take advantage of our personalized load-matching features like “Post My Truck,” which helps enable users to input when and where their truck(s) will be empty and then preview a list of all available loads in the Uber Freight app that match their criteria.

Whenever we set out to build a new product or feature for Uber Freight, our users are always top of mind. Fleet mode was one of the most requested tools in our carrier community, as our users look to grow their fleets by using Uber Freight. With this launch, we’re excited to bring another tool to market that helps these small trucking companies keep their businesses moving, and growing.

Fleet mode is now available via iOS and Android. To learn more, sign up here.

This post was last updated on 1/16/2019.

