Official Uniex Platforms Announcement will Enter the Market

Through the efforts of the past period of time, the Uniex platform 1.0 will be used officially. Uniex is a full featured spot trading platform for major digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Growing continuously with the increasing interest in cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and FinTech, Uniex realize that more and more traders are concerned about the security of the platform.

Why choose us?

Talents team which composed of high-tech from different filed, including finance, computer science, network security, economic. The engineers who more focus on the security are professional.

Proven products will provides our traders the most trusted and ubiquitous platform in the world. It offers unmatched security for cryptocurrencies, password. Security of funds and user information is our top priority, our security team is continually improving our security measures, improving auditing processes and reducing the attack surface of our infrastructure.

Fast deposits and withdrawals — Our highly efficient and automated monitoring platform allows us to provide users the fastest transactions available today. This includes updates on balance, trade, and wallet information.

We’ve had plenty of new developments this month, including

1. the web interface 1.0 updates

2. prepare for the test stage of APP listing

3. Uniex 2.0 research and development

Uniex Features

There are three ways to create secure digital currency in usual, as we knew online exchange and wallet providers can disappear, go offline, be hacked and they are not reliable. Cold-storage wallets Is the safest hardware wallet which to manage and trade your cryptocurrencies.

Notice: (A product which trade secrets cannot be disclosed at present, and what we can assure you is there’s nothing like it on the market.)

