D.G.P: New World Beta — Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2022

Greetings Explorers!

Let’s take a look at some of the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on D.G.P: New World:

Q1. Is D.G.P: New World a Mobile or Browser game?

Currently, D.G.P: New World is in BETA and will only be playable on a desktop browser. Mobile accessibility will be implemented at a later date.

Q2. How do I log in to D.G.P: New World?

First, you’ll have to create an account on our website at dgpals.io. Once you’ve managed to log in with your Metamask wallet, you can then scroll down the main page and click on the D.G.P: New World logo!

Caution! After launching the game, do note that you should not share your full URL with others as it includes your personal access token. For example, the game URL will be https://newworld.dgpals.io/?gameToken={xxxxx} (the gameToken is a long string with over 400 characters). To prevent others from accessing your World, DO NOT SHARE (or copy/paste) this game token or URL with others. We will be working to keep your World private by default, in the upcoming updates.

Q3. What can I do in D.G.P: New World?

D.G.P: New World is an idle game that allows you to hatch the D.G.Eggs that you might have acquired from our various events. For the most part you can look at the adorable Panterra citizens roaming around. Your D.G.Pals will also bring you $OPL every time they evolve, so do remember to collect it before they evolve again!

Q4. What are D.G.Eggs, and how can I hatch them in D.G.P: New World?

D.G.Eggs have been given out to our supporters as part of events and daily rewards for owning Genesis or Limited Edition NFTs. Once you open up D.G.P: New World, any Random D.G.Eggs you have in your account inventory will be consumed and converted into in-game eggs. You will be able to see the rarities of your D.G.Eggs once you load into the game.

Here is a rarity table for these random D.G.Eggs:

Do note that your Ordinary/Great/Excellent D.G.Eggs are all stacked into one category in the Hatchery, with Es put on top. Gs and Os will be revealed as you click through the top layer of Es.

Q5. How long does it take for my D.G.Eggs to hatch?

The rarity of your D.G.Eggs will affect the amount of time required for incubation in the Hatchery:

Q6. How do my D.G.Pals evolve?

D.G.Pals evolve automatically, even while offline. There are a total of 5 growth stages, namely Baby, Child, Youth, Adult and Prime. Once they reach Prime stage, they are ready to be minted into NFTs. The below table lets you know how long it takes before your D.G.Pal evolves to the next stage.

Q7. When can I collect $OPL from my D.G.Pals?

As your D.G.Pals evolve into their Child, Youth, Adult, and Prime forms, you’ll be able to collect $OPL (Panterra Opals) from them, ONCE at each growth stage. You can collect them as long as your D.G.Pals are roaming around in a Home event, and have not yet evolved to the next stage! Bote that there is no $OPL collection at the Baby stage, so you don’t have to worry about missing that short interval.

Q8. How many D.G.Eggs can I hatch at once? What is the maximum number of D.G.Pals that can roam around in the game at any one time?

You may hatch up to 10 D.G.Pals concurrently. Do note that once you have 10 D.G.Pals roaming in your game, you need to mint them into NFTs before you can hatch more D.G.Pals.

Q9. How long does it take for the D.G.Pal to be ready for minting?

The maturing time needed for a D.G.Pal to reach the prime stage and be ready for minting is 5 days.

Q10. What is the minting process?

Prime D.G.Pals can be minted for approximately 800 $OPL (+ gas fees). Once they are ready in-game, a prompt will pop up on the D.G.Pal displaying the option to mint. Your D.G.Pal will leave the game and go directly into your wallet as an NFT upon clicking it.

Q11. How do I report bugs I experience in-game?

Please send in all your reports to #bug-report and our team will address them as soon as possible

Q12. What can I do with the NFTs I minted?

Once minted, your D.G.Pal NFTs can be used in various other game modes such as D.G.P: Legends, a PvP game that is due to be released at the end of May.




D.G.Pals is an interoperable multi-genre, multi-chain NFT GameFi Project